Well to start with all I have to say about those 2 episodes is WOW!!! They both really got me thinking. About past theories and new ones too. So lets start off with the
course correction theory and the
Hurley theory. I am now pretty convinced these 2 theories are linked. We have now seen Hurley have a conversation with yet another deceased Lostaway, Ana Lucia. I think the 'dead' people are contacting him to get him back to the island. Perhaps the mention of Libby, by Ana, may be the push Hurley needs to get him back. Clearly each one of the O6 will have their own reasons.
Jack: Jack feels very guilty about leaving the others behind. We all know Jack always needs something to fix, so going back to the island will be his way of 'fixing'
Kate: I think Kate will go back to stop these people taking Aaron away from her.
Hurley: I think Libby will be the push Hurley needs.
Sayid: Not quite sure on this one yet...
Sun: One word...JIN! I still believe Jin is alive.
So anyway, the dead people are contacting Hurley as he is susceptible to spirits. If the O6 go back to the time of the crash, all those who died on the island will be alive again.
On to Mr Candle.... He had a baby! I believe that babies were once able to be born on the island. This is before 'The Incident' he mentions in the Swan video. I believe this incident to be involved with the construction of the Orchid. I think at some point either during the construction or perhaps when they were trying to 'properly harness the energy' negative energy was released and that is why people can no longer have babies.
Now Charlotte... shes having a rough time, headaches, nosebleeds... a little like the side effects Desmond experienced in The Constant. She couldn't remember her mothers maiden name, weird they would put that in really. Unless that maiden name was to be later shown. Perhaps it was Jones? As in the guy who had the gun held at Sawyer and ordered Juliet's hand to be cut off. Those guys were NOT DHARMA! They were definitely NOT DHARMA jumpsuits. But notice his accent? VERY British, almost identical to Charlotte's accent. And after all she is trying to get back to where she was born. I think her family were from the island one way or another and this Jones character is related to her somehow.
Anyway, there will be more thoughts to come when I have rewatched the show another 8 or 9 times. Meanwhile I leave you with this.....