

Hi guys and welcome to the official theories page for Station #12, The Shotglass. This page is designed for everyone to come and post theories and discuss other peoples ideas. This page is designed specifically for the more in depth theories, so please send them in to Toni The Shotglass podcast will be running on our myspace weekly, so any show thoughts, please send in to Niki Also, we have a spoilers page for those of you who can't wait, any spoilers PLEASE send to
  • Croucher

  • Spoilers WILL NOT be posted here.

    So get your thinking caps on people, get those ideas sent in.

    All crazy ideas welcome!

    Love all you Dharmaholics madly

    Toni and Niki

    Wednesday, July 16, 2008

    The O6 have to go back to course correct!

    Here is another of my own theories, let me know what you think

    As we know from the end of season 3 from Jack screaming at Kate and from the end of season 4 from Ben telling Jack, ALL of the 06 MUST return to the island to put right the ‘bad’ things that happened when they left.

    After watching some old episodes of LOST I have found a few things that have really made me think, made me think that the O6 have to not only go back to the island, but go back to the time of the crash.

    First thing: In ‘Solitary’ (Season 1 Episode 9) when Sayid is being held captive by Danielle, he says Nadia is dead.

    Danielle: But Nadia, you left her too?

    Sayid: She wasn’t on the plane. She’s dead… because of me.

    Now we all know Nadia is not dead. When Sayid flew from Sydney, he was under the impression that Nadia was alive and well in L.A working for a pharmaceutical company.

    Second thing: In ‘All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues’ (Season 1 Episode 11) When Jack and Kate are out looking for Charlie and Claire, this is part of the conversation…

    Jack: I’m not letting him (Ethan) do this.

    Kate: Not letting him?

    Jack: Not again.

    Now what is he talking about? I think that members of the O6 are having faint momentary memories from things they know now in the future. I think Sayid is subconsciously aware that Nadia is dead in the future but he doesn’t fully remember. He is getting his memory from the future mixed up with his present memories.

    As for Jacks little rant, again I think he is faintly remembering Ethan kidnapping Claire and Charlie first time round and is saying that he wont let him (Ethan) do it again, which is also why he is so intent on finding Ethan quickly…. He knows the outcome!

    I think that the O6 must go back in time to the time of the crash, this is why all of them have to go back. They must travel back in time and course correct (not leave the island) to avoid the ‘bad’ things happening when they leave. I also think this is how Ben will get his place back on the island. If the O6 DO go back, then Ben will still be on the island. Ben hasn’t told Jack he must go back for the islands well being, he has told him so that it would be like he never turned the frozen donkey wheel in the first place.


    Wednesday, June 4, 2008

    Mind Blowing!

    Sent in by The Hatch resident theory machine KEEPING PACE!! Be warned its a BIG one!!

    Well, it's official... the Season 4 finale of LOST was mind-blowing!!! "There's No Place Like Home" was just what we needed to pose tantalizing new questions for us to ponder during another 8 month hiatus, but it also answered some very longstanding questions... namely the whole polar bear conundrum that's been puzzling us since the VERY FIRST EPISODE of the series!

    Now some of you make think I'm daft for seeing solutions wrapped in that enigma of an episode, but certain revelatory moments got me thinking the day after, and I believe that these may be some quite deft observations. Hear me out.

    After nearly a whole year's worth of setup since the Orchid video was released at Comic-Con 2007, we finally made it to DHARMA's Orchid station proper. It was confirmed once and for all that the station involved experiments in travel through space and time (so called "four dimensional space"), and after Ben blew up the Vault by sticking many forks in the metaphorical microwave he took the dharka and descended into the frozen underground of the Island. Based on our friend Dr. Halliwax's description of "negatively charged exotic matter" in the orientation, the existence of the dharka for no apparent cold climes on the Island, and a similar situation we'd seen with the Swan station (where DHARMA tapped into forces greater than their understanding), we know our favorite Initiative had gone to this seemingly secret lair and just like the electromagnetic forces beneath what we used to call the Hatch, couldn't resist tapping into this mind boggling force for the sake of scientific research. Upon biting off more than they could chew or deciding to play it safe, the Initiative built the dummy greenhouse, used the story of a "botanical research facility" in an effort to keep secrecy, and put the Orchid station well below ground, using the Vault to seal off the freezer and downgrade to smaller scale "silly experiments" involving "time traveling bunnies."

    But WHAT ON EARTH does this have to do with polar bears?!? Well, think waaaaay back. Based on the cages from Kate and Sawyer's incarceration at the Hydra station (on the OTHER island), we know that DHARMA brought the bears there for some sort of experimentation. According to the blast door map in the Swan, supposedly it was to genetically tamper with them — to see if science could influence evolution so that the bears could acclimate to the drastic change in environment. But now that we think of it, wasn't that feeding system a little complex? I'd argue that they were training our non-rabbit furry white friends for something more, and as Charlie pointed out in one of his conversations with Locke, polar bears "are like the Einsteins of the bear community," (Further Instructions). What were they being trained for, then? Well, the finale showed us the subterranean ice cavern which contained what will forever be known as the "frozen donkey wheel"... the mechanism used to "move" the Island. Knowing that behind that crank was all that "exotic matter" and not wanting to put a human to the task of making that wheel of uncertain fate turn, what's the next best option to be able to see what it will do? Like sending monkeys into space, the polar bears were a natural choice as animal test subjects.

    Think about it... Polar bears have natural dharkas (a.k.a. fur) that would allow them to stand the freezing cold bowels of that chamber which was not too dissimilar to the climate they live(d) in. And they're smart enough to figure out a complex feeding contraption, so they'd be able to learn how to turn a wheel. Oh, and did you see how long and hard Ben had to struggle (even with the leverage the crowbar provided) before he got that thing to move? Three words: polar bear strength. Now, for those of you who are skeptical, I'm not suggesting that the bears necessarily used the same ladders that Ben did in getting down to that chamber. I'm sure that, before the Orchid was finished and the Vault became the final seal between the station and that icebox, there was an easier, less steep way down there. Whatever the case, the higher ups of DHARMA, Halliwax included, were actually planning to use the polar bears to push that wheel of all frozen wheels below what became the Orchid from the start. And, furthermore, they succeeded.

    We know at least one test subject was used... landing in the Tunisian desert just as Ben did after his spin (The Shape of Thing to Come), eventually becoming the skeleton that we saw Charlotte with in her desert digging flashback (Confirmed Dead). Along with the bear bones she found a DHARMA collar with the Hydra logo, proving that either Sawyer or Kate was kept where our time traveler had once called home. A possible explanation for why the wheel-turners keep winding up in the Tunisian desert: maybe each spoke (and the amount of turning before touching the other side) corresponds to somewhere different, and Ben chose the same as his predecessor.

    That leads us to the next tantalizing deduction. If DHARMA used a polar bear to experiment with turning the FDW, and it wound up in Tunisia a la Ben, that can only mean that DHARMA previously moved the Island!!! I think they themselves were responsible for it being located in the South Pacific as it was for all of Seasons 1-4, and that when it appeared there it put the Black Rock inland where Rousseau and our Lostaways found it. It has been brought to my attention that the ship seemed to have virtually no wood rot or remains of sea life in it, and that the nature of the bodies and dynamite inside was such that the Black Rock was not an underwater wreck for a century and a half and simply lifted up by the Island. However, with the newly revealed time traveling nature of our favorite archipelago, there are still a few plausible scenarios I can think of that would accomplish getting that slaver inland. I'll lay out the two I can think of here and let you decide if it's one, the other, or some combination:

    1) The Island went back in time to when the Black Rock was still sailing, and it just ran aground when the Island appeared beneath it; the only elements it's been exposed to are from the jungle clime, and it didn't rot or even go underwater in the first place. This would seem to be borne out by the blooper video we've seen from the Orchid, in which the lab assistant seems to be talking about sending the rabbit test subject into the past (saying the machine was set to "negative 20") — the only conceivable way that two bunny #15's appeared in nearly the same spot, and why Halliwax freaked about them not touching… wanting to avoid some sort of reverb from the timeline that would have disastrous effects. While this scenario is much more believable based on the recent evidence of the show, and may well be the route the writers take as an explanation, I'm hesitant of the idea of using the Island or even the Island itself traveling back in time due to how Damon and Carlton have described not wanting to deal with the whole Grandfather paradox.

    They have deftly avoided such possible conflicts thus far by making Desmond and others' time travel a consciousness-only affair, and by placing time cops like Ms. Hawking (and perhaps Brother Campbell) in the timestream to talk about how the universe course corrects. (An aside: One thing that's bugged me for some time now is that many people complain that "if the universe will course correct then why does one of our characters have to act?" Nobody seems to consider that the universe is course correcting as it needs to via the thought popping into that person's head that they need to take action. Seriously, HAS NO ONE THOUGHT that in the same way the Island doesn't allow things to happen to you while you "still [have] work to do," maybe the universe ENSURES something happens in a similar way?!?!?)

    The only way to wholly avoid the Grandfather paradox and other such conflicts when dealing with travel through both time and space [read: a whole person time traveling] is to make that jump only able to go forward, having the traveler miss the time it takes to get there and then appearing wherever they end up, only able to affect the future from then on just like we do in the here and now. The future becomes that person's present and they have no way of going back to the time they came from.

    If DHARMA made the Island go back in time to the South Pacific and the Black Rock run aground, that would also potentially create a problem of how they were still there when our 815ers crashed… unless of course DHARMA decided to use the extra time they'd gotten to keep performing their experiments and waited it out rather than turn the wheel of fate again and take their chances…

    While Ms. Hawking & co. could be evidence of traveling back to the past and have demonstrated some weight behind the course correction she points to, I think that only when we get to her time (maybe some flash forwards in Seasons 5 or perhaps a big reveal in Season 6) will anyone be able to figure out how to turn back the clock, and safely.

    2) My other scenario is one that seems to fit right into what we've seen on Lost, and was inspired in part by something Toni said while we were chatting, so this next bit of madness is due in part to her. We have yet to see what happens to the people on the Island when it time warps (though hopefully we'll get their perspective sometime next season… hopefully at the beginning). Maybe the Island goes through something much like a wormhole, but somehow interacts with other things in the timestream and picks up hitchhikers along the way. Or, even more tantalizing… What if the Island time traveled during or shortly after the INCIDENT?!?

    We can now basically surmise (thanks to the words of Darlton from the podcasts and Access: Granted) that the Incident occurred when DHARMA drilled down into the depths of the Island to try and tap into the electromagnetic source they detected, and that in doing so they unleashed some massive EM. EM that probably created the Island's first ever purple sky, which in turn caused them to put the Swan station on top in an effort to cork their mistake and let the thing rev up for the smaller, more harmless increment of every 108 minutes before restarting the process. If, after that initial screw up, the Island became unstuck in time just like it did when Des turned the failsafe and obliterated the Hatch, and THEN the whole Island traveled through time… well, it's conceivable that, even if it landed in the spot where it was until recently, it would be blinking in and out of existence in other times as well. Sound like any ghostship stories you know?

    The Initiative messes around with both EMs — electromagnetism and exotic matter — and winds up in the South Pacific but not knowing when. *Blink* The Black Rock suddenly appears inland and runs aground… *Blink* Unstuck in time, the Island keeps jumping around and people get the Sickness from not having constants… *Blink* … until DHARMA finally puts a lid on things and our favorite geodesic dome is there to house the computer (which from then on becomes the key to keeping the Island WHEN it's supposed to be and preventing planes from falling out of the sky). 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42... EXECUTE… And we're back to DHARMA's current time. The Numbers act as a constant for the members of the Initiative, keeping everything put until the Purge wipes out all those remaining who didn't switch over to the Others. Radzinsky, last surviving member of the pre-Purge DHARMA Initiative, recruits Kelvin Inman, and he and his buddy keep pushing the buttons down in the Swan.

    Flash forward. Libby mysteriously gives Desmond her husband's boat and he sails in the race Widmore has designed so that hundreds of people are sent sailing around the world in order for someone to find the Island. Not knowing the exact bearing to travel to and fro, when he is knocked out from being tossed on the waves he washes up on the Island shore dazed and confused. Kelvin trains Des to punch in the Numbers down there in the Hatch and plans to split, his faith lost in what Radzinsky taught him after his hazmat suit rips and he doesn't get the Sickness. He fails to explain the importance of the Numbers because he doesn't believe anymore, and thereby leaves the task to a man for whom they have no value or meaning except in keeping him slave to button pushing and far away from his beloved Penny for 3 some-odd years. Kelvin dons the hazmat suit and tries to depart in The Elizabeth, and Des, not believing in the importance of saving the world for the next 108 minutes anymore, follows him. The two struggle and Kelvin is accidentally killed, and in an instant Desmond suddenly worries about what else Kelvin never told him, running back to the Swan. But he's too late. It's been over 108 minutes, the timer has lapsed past zero and now reads "Underworld" in ancient Egyptian, indicating that if somebody doesn't do something we're all gonna die.

    SYSTEM FAILURE SYSTEM FAILURE SYSTEM FAILURE… The EM discharges and hits Flight 815, stressing it enough to rip into three pieces. Beneath the Swan, the huge electromagnet below recharges, pulling anything metal (including what's left of Oceanic) furiously toward it. Des enters the Numbers frantically: 4, 8, 15, 15, 23, 42… EXECUTE… and everything powers down. Flight 815, now thru the barriers of the Island and much closer to ground, decelerates and goes back into free fall. WHAM!!!

    With Widmore's comments on how the Island used to be/still is his, I have a sneaking suspicion that either a) he was a joint partner with Hanso, b) was the on-Island manager of the Initiative, or some combination of the two. Either way, since the Island moved and the Purge occurred he's not been able to find it, until of course he explores the relation to the Black Rock that he somehow knows about. Widmore buys the ship's ledger at the Southfields auction that a consciousness-jarred Desmond witnesses in 1996 (The Constant), and from it he gleans enough about the location to send his motley crew and mercenaries on the Freighter… But not before having successfully planted a staged wreck of Oceanic 815 where he could claim he was searching for the Black Rock: in the Sunda Trench.

    There ya have it... Polar bears and the Island's tumultuous recent past. But I'd be remiss if I said that's all I thought of TNPLH. In all honesty, I keep returning to that Frozen Donkey Wheel, and those of you who listen to the official podcasts from Darlton know why. In previous seasons Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse (exec producers, writers, and the co-creator/show runner of the show, respectively) gave us the codename of the secret/momentous scene in the finales: "the Bagel" (Season 1), "the Challah" (Season 2), and "the Snake in the Mailbox" (Season 3's mindf*ck of a flash forward reveal). This year's finale, however, they practically handed the moment to us on a silver platter with "the Frozen Donkey Wheel," since that was, quite literally, what we saw used as the device to move the Island. Being the masterminds that they are, and seeing how amazingly genius it was to dare hiding that moment in plain sight, I began to re-evaluate some of the other statements that the dynamic duo have made publicly about LOST to see if anything else jumped out at me. Lo and behold, after seeing all the sci-fi that this show exudes, I have to point to what Darlton have called the series time and time again. Whenever the issue of canonicity has come up, the show itself has been referred to as the "Mothership."

    Now, I know what you're all thinking: the Island being an alien spaceship was a theory debunked by Damon ages ago. Normally I would agree with you and move on, but consider for a moment that The Powers That Be initially denied Aaron being a member of the Oceanic 6, leading to wild speculation about who the final member was right up until a promotional clip from ABC revealed him to actually count. The writers and show makers wouldn't just acknowledge if someone figured out a key element of the series, plain and simple. They've said it themselves, and this has been further proven by the fan inspired theories reviewed by Darlton, where the two have picked and rated the speculation of fans not based on accuracy, but rather imagination. (Just look up "What is the Smoke Monster?" on Yahoo Answers and see who they picked out of 8,000 some-odd results, as well as their own comments on the matter… not to mention their more recent U.S. Weekly theory ratings.)

    In this latest installment of the show, Locke specifically said "It isn't an Island…" to Jack. And though John may not know what it truly is (yet), or simply have called it "a place where miracles happen," I bet he's right about that first bit. Which brings us back to the Mothership. If the "Island" is really an alien spaceship which crashed on Earth in ancient, possibly even prehistoric times, that would explain quite a lot, to tell the truth. All the earthly vegetation and such could have built up on it from being derelict for so long, effectively masking the ship as the Island we've come to know and love. It would allow for various cultures [read: the Hostiles/Others] to have come across it and made it their home or some holy site, which would account for what appears to be the ancient evidence of human culture: the Ruins, the door to Ben's Smokey-Summoning Chamber, and perhaps even the Temple and Four-toed Statue). Or maybe those things are part of the initial structure and were intentionally ancient-looking.

    And as it was so astutely pointed out to me, Darlton, when pressed for the location of the series ending, said "Somewhere just outside the Crab Nebula is where it will all end, geographically." (The Crab Nebula, incidentally, seems to tie into some recent themes and characters of Lost… most notably in the form of Rudolf Minkowski — nephew of the space-time theorist Hermann Minkowski who our George was a nod to — discovering the star responsible for the nebula and noting that it had an extremely unusual optical spectrum, an observation eerily reminiscent of Daniel Faraday's comment: "The light… It just doesn't scatter quite right here, does it?"). More importantly, though, a spaceship would give precedence for if not explain much of the otherworldly things like the electromagnetism and time travel-causing negatively charged exotic matter.

    I dunno about the rest of you, but Ben cranking that wheel definitely sounded like it started something like turbines to me. Can you say propulsion system? And don't even try to deny that the smoke monster has been acting very similarly to the alien(s) of the "The Abyss" — (for those who don't know, in the movie there was an alien made out of what seemed to be a column of water that began to mimic human form when one of the characters touched it, which afterward projected images of humanity's barbarism to a hero in his final moments and then reanimated him for sacrificing himself to save its kind. Change the water to smoke. Sound familiar?) Jacob could even possibly be the last surviving member of the original crew suffering the time-ravaging affects of the crash, or maybe the ship's malfunctioning AI navigation; a holographic representation (in human form) that's actually the ship's systems. Comparisons with Rommie from TV's "Andromeda" come to mind, though Lexa Doig is much more fetching than our ghostly cabin misanthrope.

    I concede that it's entirely possible that what I have deemed "alien" is simply from far into our own human future — so far in the future that it seems alien — in which case Ms. Hawking and the other enforcers of time would be the people responsible for the Island, explaining and giving credence to her cryptic words to Desmond: "If you don't [push that button], all of us are dead."

    That's all I've got so far, as if that isn't enough… but when I think of more I'll let you all know. Take of this what you will, but rest assured that at very least the polar bears are a mystery solved, and be confident in the knowledge that DHARMA moved the Island to the Black Rock's location, which Widmore used to track it down in the South Pacific. Whether you believe the rest of this and buy into an alien/future human explanation, one thing is certain: we now know that many of the mystical and mythical elements of the show come from the bowels of the Island. The electromagnetism emanating from beneath the Swan, exotic matter far below the Orchid, and the tunnels/vents that are used to summon/release Smokey are all deep, dark secrets indicating that, if nothing else, the knowledge of what we're dealing with will only be revealed by either taking a leap of faith or digging for answers...

    Friday, May 9, 2008

    I'm STILL going with the ALIEN theory PEOPLE!

    by NIKI

    OK...Just watched "Cabin Fever".....I've collected myself from the "WTF"? moments and have decided that I AM STICKING WITH MY ALIEN THEORY...And here's some examples from the episode which go with my theory....

    1) Richard shows up after Locke is born...
    That damn Richard! He NEVER ages....YOU KNOW WHY?-----HE's an ALIEN!!! I guessed from the beginning by the BUDDY HOLLY song that this had to be during a young John Locke time. The alien theme was a very INTERESTING TOPIC during the 1950's...ROSWELL, anyone? Richard showing up was odd, but Richard IS looking for SPECIAL humans to help CARRY OUT HIS PROJECT here on EARTH...(my theory)

    2)Horace's LIMBO...
    I had a thought awhile ago about some sort of limbo that I discussed with JIM. Like maybe this crash has happened before...many has looped over and over in time UNTIL one day the outcome is actually correct. I got this from the end of the LOST video game...FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T FINISHED IT I WILL SAY NO MORE.
    Horace could be in a LIMBO because of the whole PERGATORY theory that fans came up with from the beginning...MAYBE the writers were just having a little fun with that since that theory has been debunked by everyone who's involved with LOST.
    Spirits can be in LIMBO....especially if they are killed through a traumatic incident (THE PURGE)...They were MURDERED....And their SOULS cannot rest. OR CAN THEY? IF THE ISLAND IS SAVED THEN HORACE CAN GO ABOUT IN HIS PARADISE WITH HIS LOVELY WIFE....
    He still looked pissed though.

    3) Christan in the CABIN....with CLAIRE!
    We all knew Cristian was in that rocking chair when HURLEY peeked in before so it was no surprise that he was there again....BUT this time he seemed to be in a more casual dress---think what an OTHER would wear.
    So Claire's there too...Claire's got to be dead. She's just there bonding with ole DAD because she knows IF EVERYTHING GOES WELL her baby will live a terrific life, and she gets to hang out with GHOST CHARLIE! So everything's PEACHY with Claire!
    Her DAD has told her that things will be alright...

    4)The freighter DOC's demise....
    There seemes to be some sort of hiccup with the island time...before FREIGHTER ACTIVITIES were DELAYED from island time....NOW the island is AHEAD of freighter time...OR maybe the island allowed this hiccup to send a warning to Jack and our other losties that think the FREIGHTER houses friendly folk.

    5) Abaddon, the orderly?
    ABADDON and RICHARD ARE ENEMIES! Think of BEN and WIDMORE...Richard has BEN working the RULES for him....AND Abaddon has WIDMORE working the rules on his behalf. THIS GAME HAS GONE ON FOR A LONG TIME! Alien ENEMIES! Fighting to take over of the world!

    I said it once, and I'll say it again...SPACESHIP! The island is a friggin' ALIEN SPACECRAFT!

    Well, that's some more of my CRAZY ASS ALIEN THOUGHTS for LOST...So when does that new X-FILES movies come out?
    This is dedicated to FOX MULDER...."SPOOKY" to those that knew him :D

    Friday, May 2, 2008

    "Something Nice..." wasn't so nice for me....NIKI's thoughts on the episode

    this episode....EH....
    Don't get me wrong... I love Jack....But this episode did not hold up to the caliber of last week's TSOTTC episode. It just felt like FILLER.....Not that many WTF? moments.....Other than Chrstian's appearances.....So let me just post the interesting thoughts I have on this episode....

    1) There is some sort of shift between Claire and Jack's existence.
    When Claire survived the explosion at Camp Locke it seemed that Jack came down with his CRAMPS....

    However, when Jack survives his operation Claire is led out into the JUNGLE with the help of Christian's apparition.

    THIS leads me to believe that because they are related it must BE ONE OR THE OTHER THAT LIVES. They BOTH CANNOT survive...There must be a sacrifice of one of the Shephard kids to the island.

    So that is why we see this SHIFT of ailments beween the two of them.

    2) Jack is not meant to raise him.
    Apparently, Charlie-ghost tells this to HURLEY who then passes it on to Jack. We all know that Claire was told by the get go that AARON was to be raised by another. With the shift of things that happened to CLAIRE/JACK on the island, was it REALLY SAWYER who was supposed to raise AARON with Kate??? Did Jack surviving screw up the FATE of AARON?

    3) Where were you, Kate?
    Jack gets a little SKETCHY when it comes to Kate's whereabouts....And rightfully so. She claims she was doing something for SAWYER....Something she promised him....I BELIEVE this has something to do with SAWYER's daughter CLEMENTINE....Kate was probably told about the child by Sawyer before her departure from the island. And seeing how SAWYER is protecting AARON now that CLAIRE is MIA, I can see how his own parental strings are being pulled. He probably tells Kate to contact the mother AGAIN and reassure her that he DOES IN FACT CARE FOR CLEMENTINE. (However, child support from the island with be HIGHLY UNLIKELY!)
    Another suggestion may be that Sawyer asks Kate to look up the whereabouts of his child's mother back home and make sure THE CHILD IS OK. And he never knows that Kate has met his child's mother in the past.

    4)Smoke alarms.

    It has been a common ocurrence whenever I have done my own "GHOST-HUNTING" that BATTERY-OPERATED devices will have all the power wiped out when a spirit is present. This may have been the case with the smoke alarm at Jack's office building. Shortly after Jack takes out the DEAD BATTERY(that's why it was beeping), he sees his father- Christian.
    These apparitions cause a HARD CORE SKEPTIC like Jack to turn to pain killers.

    5) Juliet is a stand up gal.
    i can't believe I'm saying this but Juliet DID admit that Jack truly had feelings for Kate and NOT HER. I was almost ready to punch the TV when she announed that Jack had kissed her. But when she told Kate that the kiss wasn't GENUINE, I backed off!
    p.s. Thanks Juliet for saving my Jacky-poo's LIFE!

    So in conclusion, this episode did not really hype me up as compared to last week's.
    I figured Kate and Jack would hook up off the island.
    I know Miles can hear the dead.
    And I know Hurley talks to Charlie.

    So some of these things didn't surprise me AT ALL.
    The episode was good but it won't be one that I will watch 6 times like TSOTTC.
    Sorry, Jack-I love u....BUT I just need more WTF? MOMENTS!

    Glad to see the beginnings of the YETI BEARD,

    Thursday, May 1, 2008

    105 Things I learned from watching TSOTTC

    Thanks to member TERRY for finding this!

    1) they DO speak English
    2) a picnic table and picket fence can stop bullets
    3) you don't want to open that door
    4) Australia is apparently useful in Risk.
    5) Apparently, after an explosion, Sawyer looks a lot like Charlie.
    6) Being shot in the back of the head doesn't mean you will fall face-first.
    7) White people make Kate feel better when she's sick.
    8) Smokey CAN jump. He was just too lazy in 'Left Behind'
    9) Ben is Jack Bauer.
    10) When breaking into a barricaded house, just ring the doorbell!
    11) Ben is so in the closet, he has a closet in his closet
    12) At the first sign of trouble, reach for the shotgun under the piano seat.
    13) STAY IN THE HOUSE when automatic weapons fire is directed at you.
    14) When politely asked what language you speak, answer correctly the first time, jackass.
    15) Don't change the rules.
    16) When surrounded by armed mercenaries pull the curtains to be safe.
    17) The doctor is fine.
    18) During a military attack, the safest place to put your baby is in a washing basket.
    19) somebody else probably also knows Morse code
    20) Sawyer says "son of a bitch" in every episode.
    21) As long as you smile a lot, hotel supervisors don't care what you do.
    22) Sawyer will kill you if you hurt one curly hair on Hugo's head.
    23) When someone says rescuing your people isn't their primary objective, it's probably not an objective at all.
    24) If you're daughter gets murdered, just call your monster to get revenge.
    25) Scotch will get rid of night-mares.
    26) When Sawyer yells "get back inside" your going to die.
    27) Ben and Sayid can kill anyone.
    28) Iraq and Tunisia are lovely in october
    29) Your gut feeling isn't always the best feeling.
    30) Spending 5 minutes debating whether or not to tell Ben the phone rang is probably not the wisest decision. There goes your head start.
    31) Never underestimate a dentist
    32) Sayid just wants to bury his wife
    33) Sayid has a special ability where he can sense if someone is taking a picture of him on a roof even if hes facing the other way and has no reason to look up.
    34) Hitmen much like the one who murdered nadia always stand on street corners drinking coffee just too look cool.
    35) crackers always make kate feel better.
    36) code 14-J isnt the code for the pizza boy.
    37) when trying to find a ghost called jacob take hurley with you and let the guy who can sense ghosts get away.
    38) Nadia did something because they wanted to hurt her.
    39)when you run out of a house you get shot right away but the guy standing right next to you telling you to get inside doesnt get shot.
    40.) Laugh it off as a joke if you ever have to ask a desk clerk what year it is.
    41) Ben can control smokey
    42) Don't lie about what is being said in Morse coad if someone else can understand it is standing next to you
    43) Widmore broke the rules
    44) Ben's never gonna find Penney
    45) Ben can do more with a little black rod then two insurgents can do with automatic weapons
    46) Ben would loose in chess because he doesn't give a sh!t about his pawns
    47) The only thing creepier than Ben is the music he plays on his piano
    48) Jack is going to get you off the island, just like he promised
    49) When riding away on the horse of a slain enemy, you have to say "Hyah!" I mean, come on. You just HAVE to.
    50) The doctor is fine
    51) When somebody dies, you must close their eyes . .
    52) Taking off that damn tie is NOT Daniel's primary objective
    53) They will all die because of playing Risk.
    54) Keamy is a bad,bad man.
    55) The last words Alex ever heard was Ben disowning her and calling her recently deceased mother a crazy person. Nice.
    56) Charles Whidmore is a perfect blend of Frasier and Anthony Hopkins.
    57) apparently antibiotics really do cure everything.
    58) Keep the baby away from the windows. A wise safety precaution, despite the bullets being unable to penetrate picket fences, a post or a table with big gaps in it.
    59) Unless directly asked something, Charlotte will never say anything, but will only look on with a perturbed facial expression.
    60) Arzt was right - the cool kids really do get everything, like the opportunity to live. Sucks to not be in the clique (I'm talking to you, Nikki and Paolo...)
    61) Don't be so sure that you'll survive
    62) when Ben says to immediatly run into the jungle after leaving the house. He really means stand there and watch the smoke monster eat people.
    63) Hurley should have joined Team Jack when he had the chance.
    64) time travel makes you steam and then puke
    65) If the house your in is engulfed in a massive fireball and blown apart. Don't worry the worst injury you can expect is a scratch on the head.
    66) When a large malevolent cloud of power is coming to kill you, dont just flee, try and shoot it, you never know.
    67) Jacob is the man with the plan.
    68) In a shootout redshirts will drop like flies.
    69) Five minutes is WAY too long to debate amongst yourselves after the phone rings.
    70) Whenever Ben successfully achieves a devious manipulation, he will smile creepily the moment he can no longer be seen.
    71) Rocket launchers make Claire a bit wobbly, but she'll live.
    72) Once you let your grief become anger, it will never go away.
    73) Sayid uses a silencer, because the sound of gunfire is suspicious in Iraq.
    74) Smokey prefers to eat men in uniform.
    75) Ben knows what you did last Summer.
    76) Keamy and his "henchmen" like to target the most insignificant of the LOSTIES.
    77) Even Widmore is creeped out by Ben's eyes.
    78) Sayid falls in love a lot ... and they all wind up dead.
    79) "Ben you lied to me" ... duh.
    80) The next action figure will be "Globetrotting Ben"
    81) "keamed" will be added to Webster's dictionary as "to get decimated without remorse by a badass with his badass gun"
    82) (this is something actually learned here) Island time is now ahead of normal time. Hence why the doctor is dead on the island before he is killed on the boat.
    83) Watching someone wash their boobs is not a cure for stomach cramps
    84) When fortifying a room from sniper shooters, open the door when you hear the doorbell ring.
    85) Daniel Faraday is a crappy liar.
    86) If ben say to locke " suck my balls " locke's ready to do it cause he doesnt know a sh!t about anything
    87) Ben can speak turkish language,
    88) you can make a communication system on the island and somebody always waiting on the boat to answer it
    89) sahara desert is very cold you should wear hooded overcoat
    90) Ben must like "On The Road" by Jack Kerouac since Dean Moriarty is his alias.
    91. Ben actually sheds tears from his face.
    92. Sawyer doesn't feel anything when a 16-year old hostage is shot.
    93. Claire never has a fecking idea on what is going on.
    94. Erin is a fecking quadra-BAMF.
    95. Sayid shoots dead bodies after they are dead, even with no ammo.
    96. When you hear the sound of gunfire, run towards it.
    97) Sawyer dosent know who Charles Widmore or Jacob are
    98) Being good-looking makes you impervious to bullets. And explosions. Unless you're Alex.
    99) Desmonds boat is still on the Island somewhere

    100!! Even Ben has a breaking point

    101) Ben and Locke are having a homo gay love affaire, we will see it in next season.
    102)Sawyer is in fact Han Solo or Superman I don't know which.
    103) Jack can flash that smile, even when he's got the cramps.
    104) Ben can manipulate anyone at anytime!
    105) Going with and trusting Ben instead staying on the beach with Jack was a stupid idea. What a surprise! *gets shot

    Saturday, April 26, 2008


    I really think that SMOKEY is THE ISLAND DEAD....
    The latest screencaps show what looks like a head and an arm pulling the mercenary on the ground backwards....

    I BELIEVE that the secret door that Ben had in his WARDROBE(Narnia reference LOL)
    was a TOMB OF THE DEAD. Judging by the hieroglyphics on the door it has to be a TOMB of some kind...Very egyptian...


    Friday, April 25, 2008

    The Shape Of Things To Come

    My own thoughts on this weeks AMAZING episode

    First thought is obviously Mr Smokie…. I think Ben is definitely controlling him or at least has the ability to summon him. I also think this is the reason smokie never put Locke in real danger, it never attacked him…..just tried to take him. I think this was Ben’s first attempt at getting Locke to join him. When this failed he went in to the Losties camp as ‘Henry Gale’. My other thought is about the visions Mr Eko had, I think these may have been somehow programmed into smokie by Ben. Remember he knows everything about everyone. This may been a way for Ben to make Eko unafraid of Smokie. I also think that The Tempest station has a lot to do with smokie…. I’m not sure what exactly yet, but if we remember that the gas was supposed to be released onto the island via tunnels…and it was one of those tunnels that smokie tried to drag Locke into. I’m thinking maybe smokie is a product of the Tempest.

    Second thoughts are on Widmore and Ben…… I’m still sure that WIDMORE is the bad guy and Ben is a good guy. When Widmore said the island was his, it made me think that perhaps Widmore/Hanso are the same family or related in some way. I think Ben cant kill Widmore as Widmore has the money Ben needs to keep the island going. Widmore cant kill Ben as he knows where the island is and he doesn’t. I think without really wanting to, they are working together. Ben needs Widmores money and Widmore needs Ben’s knowledge of the island. I really think that Ben is still the good guy, all he wants to do is stop the island being exploited. Remember, Ben has a special bond with the island, it’s the only place he has seen his mother, its where he made his best friend in the world, so there is no reason for him to want any harm to come to the island. I don’t actually think that Ben will go ahead and have Penny killed. I think what he said about not killing innocents is what he means. I don’t think for a second he is evil enough to kill Penny out of revenge for Alex.

    Now on to Doctor Ray…. This was a bit strange for me. As we know, in the Economist, when Regina sent the rocket to the island, the island was 31 minutes behind the freighter, BUT, when Doctor Ray is washed up on the shore, he is still fine on the freighter. This would mean, at THAT time, the freighter is behind the island. This kinda doesn’t make any sense to me at all.

    Onto the whole Sayid/Nadia/Ben situation…. I know A LOT of people think that Ben has had Nadia killed to get Sayid on his side. I DON’T. Ben knows what it’s like to lose the only person you love, I don’t think he would put that pain on Sayid, not even if it was 100% for his own benefit. I am still gonna stand by my theory that Sayid is working for Ben because Widmore had Nadia killed, or perhaps someone involved with Widmore killed her. I think Ben has just seen this as an opportunity to manipulate Sayid into doing his dirty work. But I also think that Sayid will now want to wipe out everyone involved with Widmore.

    Danielle…. This is more what I am hoping will happen. I want to see hre come back and kick some Widmore ass for Alex’s death. I think she is a tough old bird and I really hope she isn’t dead, we need to see more of her story.


    OK...So JIM "the Shit" and I just finished watching "The Shape of Things to Come"...

    Jim and I put our heads together and came up with A CRAZY ASS THOUGHT!!!


    The island is actually a space ship....RICHARD and some of the original HOSTILES are in fact, extraterrestrials!!!!
    This would exlplain WHY Richard DOES NOT AGE....Also SMOKEY is a product of the extraterrestrials....The aliens original mission was to observe human life(HENCE THE STATIONS THAT WE SEE ON THE ISLAND)...However, Hanso took over the island and used it to research the unique PROPERTIES of it! The only way to get the island back was to have THE PURGE....This was BEN'S purpose....Richard chose BEN to execute "THE PURGE"... Richard then tells BEN eventually what exactly they are there for...Richard introduces BEN to Jacob AND tells BEN how to control SMOKEY...

    Juliet is one such subject to be examined...Plus Juliet was brought there to possibly examine the deaths involved with pregnancies...could these deaths be caused by the improper cross-breeding of aliens and humans?

    We know that humans HEAL rather quickly on the island...Another advantage of living on top of a space ship!

    This possible time travel effect is caused from the wormhole OR path that allowed the space ship to travel to and from in the first place...




    After seeing BEN in tonights "The Shape of Things To Come" I got so excited thinking of one of my THEORIES!

    This was posted on our BLOG in February!

    Wednesday, February 27, 2008
    MASSIVE CRAZY ASS THOUGHT about BEN and The Island.....BY NIKI

    Crazy ass thoughts: THE Economist

    I have mad respect for Ben now. He’s an evil mastermind in more ways than one. Here’s what I believe…

    Ben is in charge of many secret operatives ”others”. Richard was not born on that island nor was anyone else. They all came about when some sort of syndicate (corporations with money) started using the island for hiding operatives(spies/assassins)… Mangus Hanso discovered the island long ago…with the black rock.

    Dharma (ran by Hanso) set up experiments and a housing compound on the island. With widmore/Maxwell eventually taking over the hanso foundation- they decided to use the island as a testing facility…The dharma initiative came to the island and using force---put out Richard and the others..
    These operatives Richard and the Others will travel off island to assasinate then when it comes time to dissapear they come back on island.
    Ben is Richard and the Others chance to take over the housing compound and get back the island for their purpose and not that of reaserch. Ben is successful with the purge. The experimental stations go without being used for sometime.

    Ben becomes their superior. He travels with Richard at times to go off island to recruit.
    This is why Ben has his secret stash at his others house on the island full of clothes, passports and currency. The operatives were given housing and the comforts of home. However, they could not reproduce and this caused problems. Children could not be brought up and trained to become operatives also. This is the reason that Juliet was brought to the island. They wanted to have and raise cildren under their training so that going off island would not be an option as far as recruiting… Think about it…If you were an assassin…what would be the perfect way to disappear? To go to the island that no one can find…
    We have proof of intelligence operations…
    The files on the losties…The tests….(locke killing his father)

    So originally…Ben was the original operatives chance to get the island back…Hanso/Dharma wanted the island for scientific studies…But Maxwell/widmore took over Dharma and then had to assassinate the Dharma folk on the island. Richard used Ben for this purpose. Some of these operatives off island could have been responsible for the assisnation on Hanso.
    LETS LOOK AT THE 815 FACTOR--------------------------
    815 was set up to crash on that island. Everyone needed was set up to be on that plane…
    Jack: he went looking for his father--had to id his fathers corpse? And fly the body back home--on815
    Kate: she was turned in by farmer who eventually received large reward money…she had to be expedited back to US on 815
    Michael: Wife dies(prolly from the hands of BENS assassins) from a blood disease..He must take WALT and fly back to US on 815
    Sawyer: Killed the wrong man who conned his parents…And was kicked out of Australia…Flies back home on 815..
    Locke: travels to Australia for walkabout out of deep depression caused by his father cooper… He is turned away because of his handicap and flies home on 815.
    Hurley: I s troubled by the numbers .. Flies to Australia to find the originator of the numbers…flies back home on 815.
    Sun and Jin: Jin was supposed to deliver a watch for mr paik to LA. Sun was going to bail but didn’t. I believe that paik set up the affair sun had and was hoping she would leave before the 815 trip..however she changed her mind and boarded 815 with jin.
    Claire: was set up by psychic to go to LA to meet her baby’s adoption parents…
    Sayid: is set up by cia who tells him that nadia is in California. Working for a pharmaseudical company(prolly widmore)…

    Ben cannot leave the island to get his tumor operated on because of his job and many aliases…So he needs JACK.
    Ben needs an operative with previous intelligence and training to help with any off isand issues and or assassinations….So he needs Sayid.
    Ben needs Sun as a hostage in order to continue getting submarines and transportation vehicles that are built by paik industries…So he needs sun.
    Ben needs Locke to see if he CAN continue bens TASK of taking care of the secret of the island and managing the others.

    So we know now that Sayid as been recruited by BEN to kill ppl on his LIST….If Sayid fails with his mission…then Ben will kill or have THE FOLLOWING killed --- Kate Jack Hurley and the rest of the losties left on the island….

    Ben’ s enemy is Abbadon…Elsa works for Abaddon just as Naomi did. Does kate work for Abbadon in the future???
    Maybe Kate’s “he’s wondering where I am “ statement was just like Elsa’s way of being “on call” for Abbadon…hmmmm…maybe kate was on her way to an abbadon meeting….

    Abbadon is trying to find island of assassins to capture and prosecute..

    ***Now from EGGTOWN***

    So MILES wants 3.2 million from BEN…Why doesn’t Kate question Miles about this? My CRAZY ASS THOUGHTS are that Miles really knows about Ben and his authority and power over secret operatives….Ben’s aliases and Ben’s access to monies which he probably has in swiss bank accounts that were deposited there by people that paid for assassinations. This is why Dean Moriarty’s passport was for Switzerland. This is why Miles wanted to know where Ben’s house was. He wanted to get info so he could try to obtain the money from the account if he didn’t find Ben…He needed the name on the passport…..or an account number….Wonder if that account number is 4815162342???

    Wednesday, April 23, 2008

    Not so much a theory...Just thoughts

    About who shot Karl and Danielle

    Like a lot of people I'm torn between who shot Karl and Danielle.

    The way I see it there are 2 possible options, Ben or The Freighties.


    Ben's motive for having them both killed is that a) He doesn't want ANYONE to be involved in Alex's life other than himself. If both Karl and Danielle are dead, the only person Alex will have to turn to is him. b) He doesn't want Karl to get Alex pregnant. My bigger thought on why it was Ben is this.... He said that the temple was only for 'The Others' NOT for the Losties to hide away from anyone who may be out to harm them. Danielle is clearly not 'an other' Karl... well I don't think that Ben would want to protect him in any way at all. So why would he suggest that Danielle and Karl take her there?

    The Freighties......

    The Freighties is another obvious one. If the freighties wanted to get to Ben, what would be the easiest way of getting him oput of hiding? Kidnap his 'daughter'. They have no need for Danielle or Karl so just shoot them both...less baggage. We know that Frank has been sent on some kind of mission, which gives us the idea that maybe his mission is to go and get Alex.

    I really am torn as to who has done this. I'm more inclined to say Ben had ordered 'The Others' to do it.

    But as we are talking about LOST, there is always the possibility that it's SOMEONE ELSE who ordered it.

    Wednesday, April 16, 2008

    NOTLOST's theory on Kelvin/Libby/Desmond connection with Ben

    Having passed the break rewatching my favorite episodes of season 2,something keeps getting to me about how Des ends up on the island..

    1...Des meets libby at the airport and after a short conversation is willing to hand over her boat to this stranger..
    She mentions that her husband David got sick and died a month thinking Libby was on the island before her ''accidental'' meeting with Des and is an agent of Bens..The Elizabeth was rigged to make its way to the island on purpose...

    2...As a follow on from that point i also think Kelvin was hired by Ben....He tells Des he joined Dharma after he left the army which was after the gulf war in 1991...But Dharma were purged from the island well before that..
    I think that Ben hired Kelvin to make sure that Des gets trapped in the Swan pushing the button and to bail on him when Des is totally convinced of its importance..He told Kelvin that Des will arrive on the boat and gave him the co-ordinates to leave (like michael) hence leaving Des trapped in the hatch indefinately...

    3...Now for the bit Im not sure about..If Ben is behind all this it would mean he's working with Widmore....

    Its not much i know but i thought id get it down while its fresh in my mind!! any thoughts?

    Saturday, April 12, 2008

    Frank, Mike and the Captain

    Its been a while since my last theory posting session, so I thought I would ease back into it with a short, easy theory on Michael, Frank and Captain Gault.

    When Michael first boards the freighter, Miles says that he isn't who he says he is. This seemed at first like an off-hand comment by Miles, but it soon got me to thinking, especially after the conversation between Mike and Frank.

    Micael is of no importance on the boat, so it seemed VERY strange to me that Frank would start telling him details of how someone has planted a fake 815. But it was his last comment on the possibility of finding survivors that struck me as most strange.

    Frank knew the manifest inside out, he said so himself when he informed everyone that Juliet wasn't on the flight. I think he knows that Mike WAS on flight 815. When the freighties get to the island and find survivors, NONE of them seem genuinely surprised to find that so many people have survived a plane crash, not only ANY plane crash, but a plane that was found under the sea. This is a point that is made by Sayid to Miles, who repiled with his usual sarcasm and wit.

    To further this thought, when Sayid tells Captain Gault that Mike is in fact a spy for Ben, he doesn't seem the SLIGHTEST bit surprised. This also leads me to think that Frank knows Mike was on flight 815 and has told the captain.

    Tuesday, April 8, 2008

    Doc Jensen from EW has a TIME THEORY...(and also he agrees with me that BEN is REALLY BEHIND ALL THIS FAKE WRECKAGE!)

    By Jeff Jensen from

    The Oceanic 815 cover-up is just plain creepy.
    According to Mr. Friendly, Charles Widmore planted the Oceanic 815 wreckage in the Sunda Trench to fool the world into thinking that all the passengers are dead. He even went so far as to dig up a cemetery in Thailand to get himself a couple hundred corpses! Like I said: creepy. I also think it's a lie. I totally think Widmore is a bad guy, but I think Ben is hiding the true nature of the billionaire Brit's ambition. I'm betting that the man behind the Oceanic 815 cover-up is, in fact, Ben himself, and that he had Mr. Friendly and some other Others running wreckage-planting missions over a long period of time using the Dharma sub and surplus Dharma Initiative corpses from The Purge.

    Michael's suicide immunity has far-reaching implications.
    In the tease he gave us for this episode, executive producer Damon Lindelof told us ''Meet Kevin Johnson'' would explain why flash-forward Grizzly Jack couldn't jump from the bridge in last year's season finale. As promised, the episode supplied an answer, though we had to puzzle it out for ourselves. According to Mr. Friendly (whose appearance would rank No. 4 on my Cool Bits list if I went that far), the reason why Michael couldn't kill himself is that the Island wouldn't let him; apparently, Twilight Zone isle has influence beyond itself, too. Similarly, we can surmise that the Island refused to allow Jack to jump by calling him away from the edge with a car crash that required his heroic intervention. Of course, this raises the question ''Why?'' The most likely answer is suggested by the theorizing of Lost fans like J. Wood of, who for quite some time has advocated the idea that the Island is a place where past, present, and future happen all at once. A slightly different articulation of the same idea would be this: The Island is a place where the future has already happened. Hence, Jack and Michael can't kill themselves because they are needed to fulfill their roles in the Island's future drama — parts that, in a sense, have already been played out. Have I just totally confused you? Then let me clarify with my next cool bit...

    The mystery of Walt became 76 percent more intriguing.
    I assumed we would learn Michael and his son returned to the Island together. Wrong! And I'm glad I'm wrong, because it makes the whole business of Tall Island Walt even more provocative. If you recall, we saw in last year's finale how an adolescent Walt beckoned left-for-dead Locke out of the Dharma mass grave. Was he a ghost? Was he corporeal? How did he get so big? Here's my prediction: Ultimately, some or all of the Oceanic 6 will try returning to the Island in the flash-forward future, and they're going to bring Walt with them. But when they pass through the electromagnetic anomaly, they're going to arrive at a point in the Island's past, perhaps even prior to the crash of Oceanic 815. Yes, folks, I am suggesting that here in the Island present, while Jack and the castaways are clashing with the freighter folk, flash-forward Jack and company are also on the Island, too. They could be hiding; after all, they can't interact with their past selves, as that could screw up the timeline or create some kind of time-space catastrophe (although Walt would be exempt, as his past self is no longer on the Island). Then again, maybe Island magic precludes them from interacting with their castaway lives. Perhaps they share a separate, parallel existence with their old Island selves. Could this explain The Whispers? Could these voices belong to the flash-forward characters returned to the Island, watching and commenting on past drama? If my theory is correct, then here's my prediction for the season finale: In the last scene, exactly one minute after the Oceanic 6 departs from the Island, the flash-forward Oceanic 6, released from the restrictions of Island magic, will step out of the jungle and greet the remaining castaways. I'll leave it to Hurley to make the inevitable quip:

    ''Man, I thought they would never leave.''

    As for me, I gotta scram. I'll be back next week. In the meantime, you can hit me at

    Doc J

    Friday, March 21, 2008

    Ben's The PIED Piper...and his wonderful game of chess...

    Hey Dharmaholics! Niki here just putting in my two cents for the "Kevin Johnson" episode...

    Let me start by decribing my title. Ben is an EVIL GENIUS. I refuse to believe that he is a "Good Guy"... He claims to Michael that he would NEVER kill innocent people...But we, the viewer, know otherwise. Does everyone forget that Ben barked orders left and right to kill those that got in the others way when the went to te beach last season to collect the pregnant women??!!..This all would have ended if Sayid would have killed that "little bastard" back in the Swan hatch when he claimed to be Henry Gale. Simply put--Ben gets what he wants...And FINALLY, it took Miles to explain this to LOCKE and SAWYER! It's so frustrating for them to keep Ben hanging around when all they have to do is consider what he has done to them...Kidnap children, tried to hang Charlie, ambushing the losties camp to get the pregnant women, order the killings of JIN, Bernard and Sayid....The list goes on and on...Jack and Sawyer share the thought of killing BEN for all these things, but Locke refuses to let it happen. No one in that house wanted Ben there-- NO ONE! I'm glad to see Miles stepping up-even if he only has his own benefits in mind (3.2 million)...
    Ben is the Pied Piper because EVERYTHING has been set up by him from the start to GET WHAT AND WHO he wants!!! The chess reference---he has all his "PAWNS" in place to play his game. He had Juliet's husband killed---HIT BY A BUS...He had Michael's wife killed---Mysterious blood disease...BEN IS ALWAYS 10 steps ahead of everyone else. I wouldn't be surprised if we find out that Widmore is just another PAWN in Ben's EVIL game!

    Richard showed up around the time when Juliet felt helpless at her husband's death AND her sister's illness...Coincidence---I THINK NOT! For video clips to explain this see OUR VIDEO link on the blog...

    Tom shows up when Michael is ready to end it all...Desperate and depressed because of Walt's alienation and the murders Michael committed...Coincidence---NO! These "Others" are representatives of BEN-- used to do his bidding to get these people to follow in his EVIL game!
    "The island won't let you die!" --- That's horse shit!!! I believe Tom switched guns during their scuffle in the alley.

    ---Last year, Yeti Jack went to a viewing...The obituary from the papers said it was John Lantham... John apparently hung hmself in his apartment in New York...This makes me believe that Michael may be in the coffin...Let's look and compare.

    John Lantham-Michael's mother made a statement that him and Walt are not to be adddressed by their ACTUAL names...This would explain the alias.

    Hung himself- We saw that Michael is trying to commit suicide because of his guilt and alienation from his son.

    New York- where Michael lives.

    So that's who I think is in the coffin...How Jack finds out---I have no idea. But if everyone shares Sayid's opinion on Michael working for BEN--we know Kate does--that is why no one showed up to the viewing.


    He is the puppet master and will win this game of chess...Checkmate!!!


    Friday, March 14, 2008

    Spoon's Theory on the O6

    Spoon's thoughts on why the O6 are the ones who leave the island

    Why the Oceanic 6?
    So why is it the Oceanic 6? What happened to the other 815ers? What have we yet to see? These are answers I, sadly, do not have. But I will try and shed some light on what we have seen so far.

    Remaining Two
    So far it has been revealed (as of The Other Woman) that Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sayid are part of the Oceanic 6…..remember those names. What is it about these four that led them off the island? It seems, especially on Lost, that the explanations could be limitless, however, I believe there is a rhyme and reason to whom and more importantly why the Oceanic 6 came to be. First thing’s first, the final two. …It is in my opinion that the final two members of the O6 are Jin and Sun. Uneventful Iknow but hopefully the WHY will change that.

    The WHY
    Now for the good stuff….the why. Why are Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun, & Jin the Oceanic 6? Why only them? In the simplest explanation…..they are the only ones who even have the ability. Why? (Man there are a lot of “whys” when it comes to Lost). Two words: The Swan. In The Constant, we learned that exposure to electromagnetism / radiation could cause “side-effects” while traveling to and from the island; those side-effects of course referring to the mind/consciousness flashing through time. I don’t have to mention Desmond….but I will. Desmond turned the fail safe key thus being at the apex of the electromagnetic anomaly which brought about his time flashes. It’s my belief that it is not only Desmond that is affected by the anomaly, but that most of our Losties might be affected by it because of their proximity to The Swan.


    At the time of the electromagnetic anomaly most of our Losties were at the beach (located by the picture of the fuselage). They state in Season 2 that The Swan about 1.5 mils from the beach. In contrast to where Jack, Kate, Sawyer, & Hurley are [at the Pala Ferry(the boat to the right)] as well as Sayid, Sun & Jin (the four toed statue) that is relatively close. I believe the possibility of the Losties at the beach experiencing the “side-effects” while trying to leave the island is much greater than the others. In turn it also makes it more dangerous. I think Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sawyer, Sun & Jin are the safest when it comes to leaving the island. (I think Sawyer is still on the island with whatever remaining 815ers are alive…..because according to Juliet, war is coming).
    Now I’m not saying this is without its flaws but I do think it’s on the right track.

    My own addition to this theory

    I think this theory is great and it would explain VERY well why the 06 are indeed the O6. This leads me to the reason Claire gives Aaron up. I know a few people may think that Claire dies on the island, but, after looking over this theory, I'm not so sure. I think its a possibility that the Losties find out about these side effects from Desmond. Claire was on the beach at the time of the hatch implosion so she would be at high risk from the side effects. The safest thing for her would be to stay on the island, but what mother would want her baby growing up in that place? This leads me to believe that Claire gives Aaron to Kate for his own safety. OK, so why isn't Aaron affected?? If you imagine a barrier around the island. There is a gap in this barrier that makes it safe to leave the island. On the way into the island all the Losties went through this barrier, so on departing, they experience side effects when they pass through. Aaron did not pass through this 'barrier' the same way that the other people did. I think this may be the reason he isn't affected. The other reason, as pointed out by Neeperkat, is that perhaps the side effects don't affect infants as it does adults.

    Thursday, March 13, 2008

    A BEN TWIST???


    ''Finally! Ben's gonna tell us who sent that damn freighter!''

    You know, wouldn't it be a fiendish twist if we find out that the man behind the freighter is none other than... Ben himself!? That's what reader Tom Champoux thinks. A fan of both Lost and The Usual Suspects, Doc Champoux sent me an e-mail arguing that Ben is pulling a ''Keyser Soze'' — creating a fictitious big bad to further manipulate our heroes and advance his big-picture agenda. ''I think he hired the freighter folk through some Kobayashi butler,'' writes Champoux, whose theory could explain the mysterious identity of Matthew Abbaddon. Regardless, he says, ''I think Ben was being honest when he told Michael at the end of season 2, 'I'm one of the good guys.'''



    Desmond had the time-warp blues, but freighter freak Minkowski had Marty McFly Mania: Due to his own exposure to electromagnetic magic, he began psychically commuting back to a pleasant day on a Ferris wheel. He died desperately trying to zip-line back to this happy day one more time. Coldly poignant, I thought. Notice: Unlike Desmond's time-travel story, Minkowski's present day consciousness was making the trip. Lindelof says this difference was designed to make a very important point: ''As Faraday explains in the episode, the effect is random. Sometimes a person can be displaced by minutes, other times, years. And the direction of the effect is equally unpredictable. Our way of demonstrating this was to give Minkowski a wildly different experience than Desmond was having.'' Lindelof says none of this is arbitrary; exposure to electromagnetism or radiation plays a role. But he adds: ''Looking for specific rules for how all this works will lead you down the path of insanity.''


    To be clear, Desmond's past was different before ''The Constant.'' Before his time-travel adventure, Desmond never met Faraday at Oxford, never got Penelope's digits. As a consequence of changing the past, Desmond's personal history has been ''course corrected'' by The Powers That Be, beginning from the moment he walked away from Penny's apartment. Lindelof says this interpretation is also correct. But here's a Big Question: since scoring Penelope's phone number, has Course-Corrected Desmond lived his life knowing that on Christmas Eve 2004, he MUST be on a freighter in the South Pacific in order to make a call to Penelope if he wants any chance of having a future with her? Lindelof says this is indeed a matter we should be mulling. Perhaps in the future, Lost will give us an episode that replays Desmond's backstory (getting the boat from Libby; killing Kelvin; meeting the castaways) from the point of view of this knowingness.

    [And with that, our friend Damon leaves the column to attend to other important matters — running a show, raising a family, shopping for cool T-shirts. We thank him for his input. From here on, the analysis is purely mine. Sorry.]

    PART 2

    Desmond's ''unstuck in time'' nightmare began when Frank flew the helicopter into that monstrous thundercloud. The chopper was buffeted by intense turbulence. Lightning flashed. Frank pulled up and out of trouble. So what was that weird weather all about? Well, I don't think it was a passing storm. In, fact, I really don't think you can call it weather. As I explained last week, I think the Island is located inside the mouth of a wormhole, a possibly volatile anomaly in the time-space fabric. The chopper was passing over the rough-and-tumble boundary that exists between the anomaly and the outside world. (That wormhole has seriously blistered lips.) Another way of thinking about this is to think of a curtain hanging around the Island at a certain point offshore. This curtain extends from the sky to the ocean floor — hence, why The Sub also encounters turbulence when traveling to and from the Island. (See: Juliet's backstory in ''One of Them.'')

    The problem with wormhole theory is that wormholes don't stay open on their own. Theoretically, they require a constant (and literally astronomical) supply of energy to stay in business. This past week, (which frequently ruminates on the science of Lost) speculated that this could have been why The Button had to be pushed every 108 minutes — to harness and discharge wormhole-sustaining electromagnetic energy.

    Of course, now that the Hatch is gone, does that mean the wormhole is closed? Here's my theory: I think the failsafe key protocol (initiated by Desmond in the season 2 finale) called for one last blast of energy designed to keep the wormhole open for an extended period of time so that final business could be conducted. But when that time elapses, it's hasta la vista time-space anomaly. And maybe, bye-bye Island, too.

    The chopper left the Island at dusk, but didn't arrive at the freighter until afternoon the next day, even though the flight lasted about 30 minutes. This bit of weirdness inspired the following question in my mind: Do different trajectories away from the Island lead to different points in time? Lapidus flew a trajectory (A) that took just 30 minutes; the chopper landed about 18 hours later. If Lapidus had flown a slightly different trajectory (B) that took roughly the same time, perhaps he might have arrived sooner. Or even later. Or possibly never. Why might this be important to season 4? Because if I'm right — if every different route away from the Island leads to a different point in time — then you have to wonder about those coordinates Ben gave Michael and Walt at the end of season 2. The question isn't just ''Where did Ben send them?'' — it could also be ''When?''

    For a couple weeks now, we've been trying to figure out the significance of Daniel Faraday's rocket experiment, which seemed to establish a 31-minute time differential between the Island and the freighter. However, ''The Constant'' suggested (at least to me) another possibility: it could be that the Island and the freighter are in synch, and that the rocket gained the extra time while flying through the turbulent perimeter of the anomaly. This is all to say, I think we need to reconsider the idea that ''time passes more slowly on the Island'' until we get more data.

    I tip my hat to Lost blogger Vozzek69 (at and some of my own readers for catching this one: It seems most likely that the time-travel illness that killed Minkowski is the same mythical ''sickness'' that killed The French Lady's fellow scientists wayyy back in the day. I really love this idea. I was never fond of the idea that ''the sickness'' was a Dharma hoax. It just didn't feel right. But this — this feels right. And if it is right, I love it even more for the way this answer was basically left for us to puzzle out, as opposed to having some dude explain it all to us. I expect that in the coming episodes and seasons, more Lost mysteries will be resolved this way.

    Saturday, March 8, 2008

    Electromagnetism/Radiation on the island. Kills and cures?

    Many thanks to Tilly and batttie for thoughts that have been very helpful in coming to this theory

    We all know that women have been unable to have children successfully on the island, that they carry their baby then during childbirth, both mother and infant die. We know all this was happening before the swan imploded, but what about now it has gone? Could it be a possibility that the electromagnetism from the Swan caused this? We know that women cannot have x-rays while pregnant unless they are well protected, but mostly it is advised not to have one. We also know that women are advised to not have radiotherapy for cancer treatment while pregnant. But what would these treatments do to harm both mother and child?

    Tilly pointed out that during radiotherapy in cancer treatment, the body's immune system is lowered, so could this mean that radiation/electromagnetism on the island has reduced the mothers immune system so much over the space of 9 months, that the body itself is treating the fetus as a foreign object? Or perhaps when the baby is born, its immune system is also so low that it dies at the time of birth? And as the mothers immune system is so low and birth is a traumatic experience as it is, her body just gives up. This could explain why Claire didn't die when giving birth to Aaron. She had only been exposed for a few weeks, rather than a full 9 months as the other mothers had been.

    We know that Ben had a tumor on his spine and if radiation/electromagnetism was such a problem, surely his tumor would have been treated? But my answer to this would be that his tumor was just to aggressive for the radiation to possibly treat it. We know that not all cancer can be treated in such a way. This may explain Rose being cured also.

    Tuesday, March 4, 2008

    Jacob in Korean War?

    Theory sent in by new member Robert. Leave plenty of feedback to get more of his thoughts!

    We start with the Korean War in the 1950's where a young American solider named Jacob fights for what he thinks is right and just. After learning that the war is not everything he hopes it was he goes AWOL with a group of soldiers who think the same thing. The group includes Richard, Tom, Beatrix, and and a young man named Alvar who has an agenda of his own. Along with some "others" pun intended the go and explore the country side. The war is over and they can come out of hiding. They decide to pack up ship and go exploring the high sea.

    So there they are on their boat traveling anywhere but home. Alvar knows exactly where they are going though, to find his great grandfathers pirate ship, and since he is the captain of the boat he goes where he wants. They eventually come upon the island and see thats its a clam and tranquil place. After awhile they decide to call it home. One day Alvar goes out looking for the ship and finds it. Yet what he wants is not there but he does find something of a bigger interest to him. That same day Richard is hurt finding food but when is healed not but two hours after that, this is when the group realizes that the island is special and can not leave. This causes a problem when Alvar wants to leave and won't let anything stand in his way not even Jacob who he kills, or tries to kill and takes off to the U.S.A. When he gets back he is treated as a hero and not a coward. By this time it the mid sixties and a revolution is happening. He gets in contact with some old friends of his. The DeGroots to be exact and he tell them about the island which they have been looking for along time as well. You see there has been talk for some time of an island in the middle of nowhere that is said to very special properties. Well back on the island the group that was left behind finds that the island has many different inhabitnts over the years. When the group finds them they come together to stop anyone from ever finding the island. Its sucks for them because the DHARMA Initiative has been formed and is coming to island. When they do they set up shop and start building stations to make monitar the islands special properties.

    This ends Part 2. There might be a part 3 it all depends on what you guys think.

    So what it all comes down to is that the island has always had the special properties and that group from Korea just happen to have the right people to control the island properly. Yet the D.I. has always known about the island.

    Wednesday, February 27, 2008

    Toni's Thoughts On Eggtown

    Here are my thoughts on Eggtown
    Aaron--- I think that Kates son Aaron is definitely Claires Aaron. So something must have happened to Claire for Kate to have him now. Now, onto Jack after the trial. He clearly doesn’t want to see the child, but why. My thought on this is that he knows he is Aarons uncle and cannot bear lying to the child for the rest of its life. He couldn’t ever tell Aaron who he really is without revealing that Kate is not his mother. But also, it would be strange raising Aaron with Kate, playing mummy and daddy to a child that is not their son, but is Jacks nephew. The O6 have all stuck to the same story since they left the island, I think the reason such a specific story was made up will become clear in time. But if Aaron was to find out when he was a bit older that Kate wasn’t his mother, the whole O6 story would be proven to be a lie and who knows what consequences there may be.

    On to Jacks story on the stand about how Kate was a hero and Kate saved all of the O6. Why? This seems to be the story they were given from the start as Kate mentions it to Jack about how he has told that story so many times. I wonder if this story may have been given to them with Kates trial in mind. Kate went back to the real world knowing full well that she was going to be arrested. She questioned Miles on whether he knew her and what she had done, he made it pretty clear that the world knew all about Kate. So why would she go back? To be arrested and more than likely to be imprisoned for most of her life. There has to be more to it. Maybe the O6 are needed for something in the future?

    The deal made at the trial was 10 years probation and Kate not being allowed to leave the state. Seems odd to me that her crimes were committed in Iowa but the trial was held in California. So its not her home state shes not allow leave, it’s a whole other state. Seems strange to me that its Cali shes not allowed to leave.

    My thought on Daniel, Charlotte and the cards. I’m not sure that telepathy is what he was doing. I think Dan may have suffered some kind of injury to his memory. I think he is doing some kind of memory training when he and Charlotte are playing with the cards. This may explain why he was crying in Confirmed Dead and didn’t know why. Maybe he had some connection with some one on the plane, but couldn’t quite remember who he is connected to or why he had the connection. He feels upset for some reason, for the loss of someone, but cant quite place it.

    Finally, Jin and Sun. When they are talking just before Jack returns to the beach with Daniel and Charlotte, Sun says "I want to raise MY baby at home in Korea." Jin replies "OUR baby". Sun looked away with a strange almost guilty look on her face. I don't think the baby is Jin's. I think that Sun conceived off the island during her affair. Maybe this could be explained by the time difference between on and off island events. Maybe Juliet actually thinks its Jin's and that the baby was conceived on the island, but she actually conceived off the island but the time difference makes it appear it was on island.

    My own personal question of the week, is how the hell is Kates mum still alive?? The doctors have been giving her 6 months to live for the last 4 years. Last time we saw her she was about dead. Has Dharma been using some of their own kinda magic on her????

    MASSIVE CRAZY ASS THOUGHT about BEN and The Island.....BY NIKI

    Crazy ass thoughts: THE Economist

    I have mad respect for Ben now. He’s an evil mastermind in more ways than one. Here’s what I believe…

    Ben is in charge of many secret operatives ”others”. Richard was not born on that island nor was anyone else. They all came about when some sort of syndicate (corporations with money) started using the island for hiding operatives(spies/assassins)… Mangus Hanso discovered the island long ago…with the black rock.

    Dharma (ran by Hanso) set up experiments and a housing compound on the island. With widmore/Maxwell eventually taking over the hanso foundation- they decided to use the island as a testing facility…The dharma initiative came to the island and using force---put out Richard and the others..
    These operatives Richard and the Others will travel off island to assasinate then when it comes time to dissapear they come back on island.
    Ben is Richard and the Others chance to take over the housing compound and get back the island for their purpose and not that of reaserch. Ben is successful with the purge. The experimental stations go without being used for sometime.

    Ben becomes their superior. He travels with Richard at times to go off island to recruit.
    This is why Ben has his secret stash at his others house on the island full of clothes, passports and currency. The operatives were given housing and the comforts of home. However, they could not reproduce and this caused problems. Children could not be brought up and trained to become operatives also. This is the reason that Juliet was brought to the island. They wanted to have and raise cildren under their training so that going off island would not be an option as far as recruiting… Think about it…If you were an assassin…what would be the perfect way to disappear? To go to the island that no one can find…
    We have proof of intelligence operations…
    The files on the losties…The tests….(locke killing his father)

    So originally…Ben was the original operatives chance to get the island back…Hanso/Dharma wanted the island for scientific studies…But Maxwell/widmore took over Dharma and then had to assassinate the Dharma folk on the island. Richard used Ben for this purpose. Some of these operatives off island could have been responsible for the assisnation on Hanso.
    LETS LOOK AT THE 815 FACTOR--------------------------
    815 was set up to crash on that island. Everyone needed was set up to be on that plane…
    Jack: he went looking for his father--had to id his fathers corpse? And fly the body back home--on815
    Kate: she was turned in by farmer who eventually received large reward money…she had to be expedited back to US on 815
    Michael: Wife dies(prolly from the hands of BENS assassins) from a blood disease..He must take WALT and fly back to US on 815
    Sawyer: Killed the wrong man who conned his parents…And was kicked out of Australia…Flies back home on 815..
    Locke: travels to Australia for walkabout out of deep depression caused by his father cooper… He is turned away because of his handicap and flies home on 815.
    Hurley: I s troubled by the numbers .. Flies to Australia to find the originator of the numbers…flies back home on 815.
    Sun and Jin: Jin was supposed to deliver a watch for mr paik to LA. Sun was going to bail but didn’t. I believe that paik set up the affair sun had and was hoping she would leave before the 815 trip..however she changed her mind and boarded 815 with jin.
    Claire: was set up by psychic to go to LA to meet her baby’s adoption parents…
    Sayid: is set up by cia who tells him that nadia is in California. Working for a pharmaseudical company(prolly widmore)…

    Ben cannot leave the island to get his tumor operated on because of his job and many aliases…So he needs JACK.
    Ben needs an operative with previous intelligence and training to help with any off isand issues and or assassinations….So he needs Sayid.
    Ben needs Sun as a hostage in order to continue getting submarines and transportation vehicles that are built by paik industries…So he needs sun.
    Ben needs Locke to see if he CAN continue bens TASK of taking care of the secret of the island and managing the others.

    So we know now that Sayid as been recruited by BEN to kill ppl on his LIST….If Sayid fails with his mission…then Ben will kill or have THE FOLLOWING killed --- Kate Jack Hurley and the rest of the losties left on the island….

    Ben’ s enemy is Abbadon…Elsa works for Abaddon just as Naomi did. Does kate work for Abbadon in the future???
    Maybe Kate’s “he’s wondering where I am “ statement was just like Elsa’s way of being “on call” for Abbadon…hmmmm…maybe kate was on her way to an abbadon meeting….

    Abbadon is trying to find island of assassins to capture and prosecute..

    ***Now from EGGTOWN***

    So MILES wants 3.2 million from BEN…Why doesn’t Kate question Miles about this? My CRAZY ASS THOUGHTS are that Miles really knows about Ben and his authority and power over secret operatives….Ben’s aliases and Ben’s access to monies which he probably has in swiss bank accounts that were deposited there by people that paid for assassinations. This is why Dean Moriarty’s passport was for Switzerland. This is why Miles wanted to know where Ben’s house was. He wanted to get info so he could try to obtain the money from the account if he didn’t find Ben…He needed the name on the passport…..or an account number….Wonder if that account number is 4815162342???

    Tuesday, February 26, 2008

    Why Ben took Alex

    Sent in by Neeperkat

    So Ben and Annie grow up togther, get married and are living very happily, and are expecting a baby! They take a walk one day, and Annie goes into labour, early, and just like Bens mother, she dies, and so does the baby. Now other mothers are dying as well while pregnant, and Ben sees this as a chance to get some leadership. He knows about Danielle so he goes and takes Alex from her to take back to the others as his own child that Annie had given birth too, to show that he is special and the island and Jacob has allowed him to have a child. He does not dare call the child what he and Annie had been planning, to painful, so he keeps her name Alex.

    My own thoughts to add to this

    I LOVE this theory. Just to add to Kats thought, it seems possible to me that Danielles ship was brought to the island. As most people know, I have a lot of Widmore/Dharma conspiracy theories and it seems possible to me that this could be Bens doing.

    Tuesday, February 19, 2008

    Everyone is on the island for a specific reason???

    Its not just Niki that has the crazy ass thoughts round here. Here is one from Toni about how and why people are on the island of doom
    I must also credit Niki for help with this theory,as she is my inspiration for crazy ass thoughts

    Just to let you know, I believe that Dharma/Widmore/Maxwell/Paik are all connected and working together. This might help make sense of my crazy ass thoughts.

    I think maybe everyone on the island was brought there for a reason.

    Lets start with Jackbob. - I think its fairly obvious why Jack is on the island, Ben needed a surgeon to remove the tumor on his spine. Its clear Ben can leave the island, but if he has people looking for him, people that wish to do him harm, then he would be pretty reluctant to leave don't you think. Jack shouldn't have been on 815, this was because of the clearance for his fathers coffin. But for some reason he was allowed on the plane. Strange huh??

    Ok, Kate. - I think Kate was sent to the island to prevent her being sent to prison for the crimes she committed. We know the man she believed to be her father was in the US army, he was in Iraq at the same time Kelvin was. We know Kelvin later worked for Dharma. Maybe through Kelvin and he father, she found her way to the island.

    Sawyer - I believe Sawyer sent to the island to rid him of the demons that haunted him. Anthony Cooper to be specific. Just to add more craziness to this, I think the Talbot family in Lost,(Cooper was engaged to Mrs Talbot. Peter Talbot, her son, is presumed to have been killed by Cooper) is the same family Talbot in 815 comes from. I think that Cooper was brought to the island by someone to be killed. Firstly, John Locke wouldn't kill him so Alpert showed Locke the file on Sawyer, those hostiles are sneaky little buggers. So then Sawyer finds out this is the man that caused the death of both his parents, gets a bit crazy and kills him. Thats like 3 birds, one stone. Talbot family is avenged, Sawyer gets his man, Locke appears worthy to the Others.

    Right, onto Locke. - John Locke was crippled 4 years before the crash, by his father pushing him out of a window. Bit harsh if you ask me! Locke has always appeared to have some sort of connection with the island and has always know this is not just any old island. I think Locke was brought to the island because of his spirituality and his worthiness of being a leader. I think we will come to see that when Ben leaves the island, Locke will take over his position as leader, or, if anything happens to Ben, he will become full-time leader. I also think he was brought to test the healing abilities of the island.

    Sayid - Most of the reason Sayid is on the island is mentioned in my last theory. I think Sayid was brought to be a killer. Sayid is a good man, but has done some bad things. We know that Sayid will do anything to protect those he loves. So if Ben knows that Dharma/Widmore had something to do with Nadias death, why not get him to the island to do a light spot of murdering, torturing and general bad ass stuff?

    Jin and Sun - I have 2 thoughts on this. I think they were brought to see if a sterile man could get his wife pregnant, again testing the islands abilities. Also, Mr Paik never approved of Sun marrying Jin. I think Paik gave Jin the watch to deliver to LA to get him on the island, thinking that Sun would leave him at the airport, which she almost did.

    Claire next. - We know why Claire was on 815 so I wont go into this too much. Hate to cover old ground and all that. I believe Malkin made her get on 815, knowing that the plane would crash and she would be forced to raise Aaron herself. I don't really have any thoughts as to why Aaron MUST be raised by Claire. Hey, maybe he is the anti-christ and he needs Claire to save him. Stranger things happen in lost!

    Hurley - Again, some of my thoughts on Hurley have been covered in a previous post. He was in Santa Rosa, heard the numbers, played them on the lottery, bad stuff starts to happen. Hurley gets on a plane goes to Aussie, finds out the numbers are WAY bad. i think Hurley is on the island so he doesn't start looking into the reason behind the numbers.

    Rose and Bernard. - I think the only reason behind this, is that Rose had cancer. They wanted to see if she could be cured by the island.

    Charlie. - Charlie is a tough one. He was saved by the island but when he tried to leave, he died.

    Now onto dead characters. Mr Eko, Ana Lucia, Libby, Boone, Shannon, Paulo, Nikki. All these people served no purpose to the island, hence they are all now dead. Although, maybe Libby was brought to the island to die? After all I do believe she is in league with the Dharma devil.

    I know a lot of you will think some of this is far-fetched, but hey, aren't a lot of theories?? Thats why its called a theory.

    Sayid working for Ben

    Toni's thought on why Sayid is working for Ben as an assassin in the future

    When Sayid was in the republican guard, he was approached by Kelvin to work as an 'interrogator' for the US army. To make a point, Kelvin later worked for Dharma in the swan hatch.

    Years later, Sayid was approached by the US government to work for them. They used Sayid's childhood friend as bait to get him to infiltrate a terrorist group that were planning a suicide bombing.

    Now back to Nadia. We are told that she is working in L.A as a lab tech for a drugs company. I believe this company to be Widmore Pharmaceuticals. We see her at least 4 years before the crash, just after having a house surveyed by John Locke. I think she was later killed by Widmore/Dharma

    Back to Sayid. When he is being tortured by Danilelle in 'Solitary' she shows him the photo of Nadia and asks who she is. Sayid replies 'she is dead beacuse of me'

    Now to the flashforward. After Sayid is shot and goes to see Ben, he says to Sayid "Remember what happened last time you followed your heart instead of your gun?" I think Ben is referring to what happened to Nadia and as Sayid is now aware of the details of his friends/former loves death and wants revenge on the company/s that took her life.

    Wesleys Thoughts on The Economist

    Season 3 Episode 03 – The Economist

    I think it has become clear now what the big secret is. Oceanic 815 crashed just off the coast of Bali, Indonesia with 324 passengers on board. Only 6 survived. They were lucky enough to strap on their floating devices and were picked up either floating off the coast or floated to the coast and were received by authorities. Where they were held prisoner for a while before the Indonesian government notified the US that they had them in custody.

    At least that’s the story I would imagine the world, at large, was told. So let’s look at the facts, as they stand now.

    • All 6 were given a huge settlement.
    • They’re not allowed to talk about the incident.
    • They’re not allowed to mention if they knew anybody on the plane.
    • So far its looks as though everyone has gone back to their “evil ways.”

    Ok I’ll admit I didn’t see this one coming, Sayid working for Ben? Got me on that one, However, Season 3 is just giving us a plethora of goodies in the way of answers. Lets start off with my new favorite character Daniel.

    The first clue, which I cant believe ABC actually said that it was a clue about the island in their Episode 2 Recap, I mean some people could have thought that was just an off-handed comment, that light scatters differently on the island, is huge.

    The second clue, which was more blatantly obvious, there is a 31 minuet delay between the time the payload was supposed to land and the time that it did land. What could this mean? Well, some people would say that it is proof that there is some worm hole theory stuff going on. I am hard pressed to believe that the answer is that simple, However I will agree that there is some kind of gravitational forces at hand, in particular I;m talking about an event horizon effect. Here is a graph to show, and I’ll elaborate.


    Now knowing that Time and Space are one in the same (according to Einstein), were going to assume moves in a strait line. Now a dense mass has an effect on the space surrounding it. Imagine for a minuet putting a 20 lb bowling ball on the center of your bed. What happens? The bedding around the bowling ball bends in the presence of the object. The same thing happens to a dense object in space. The densest object known right now is a black hole (1 half of a Worm Hole). In short, a black hole consists of the singularity, the very center dense mass of the black hole, and the Event Horizon, the point at wich matter begins to fall into the black hole. As matter goes farther and farther through the event horizon towards the singularity it is pulled farther and farther apart, kind of like Play-Do or something.

    The same is true, I believe, for our island. While I don’t believe it is a wormhole event. I do believe that there is an event horizon type effect causing the time displacement on the island.

    I’ll include my thoughts on Ben in the next theory that I publish, I think I went a little overbored on this one so I hope you enjoyed it. Bye.

    Friday, February 15, 2008

    Charles Widmore Conspiracy?

    Bluefrog4 and Toni put their heads together along with lack of sleep and this is what happens

    It seems likely that Ben is working against Charles Widmore to keep the island and its secrets hidden from the outside world. Charles Widmore knows the location of the island (and Ben) so has sent the frieghties to kill/capture Ben.

    To explain this, I think Charles Widmore has been working alongside Dharma in some capacity. Maybe in the line of construction or pharmaceuticals, as we have seen both of these appear in Lost. This would explain how Widmore knows about the island.

    The Maxwell Group, funded by Widmore, have planted the fake wreckage of flight 815 in the ocean to keep people from looking too hard and finding the real wreckage and the island. They have used the 'expedition to find the Black Rock' as a cover and of course, Charles knows the real location of the ship. As the fake wreckage had been found, this give Charles the perfect opportunity to get to the island and kill/capture Ben without questions being asked.

    But Charles encountered a problem when the failsafe key was turned. The island become visible to the real world.... and his daughter Penny. If you look back at Toni's theory on how Des got to the island in the first place, you will see that Charles knows full well where his daughters love interest is. We remember from the season 3 finale that Penny made contact with Charlie (R.I.P) and is aware that Desmond is on the island. This is why Naomi was sent in with a picture of Des. Charles has panicked and does not want Penny to be reunited with Des. He sends Naomi in with the second agenda of killing Desmond. This could be the explanation as to why Naomi was sent in before the rest of the frieghties.