After seeing BEN in tonights "The Shape of Things To Come" I got so excited thinking of one of my THEORIES!
This was posted on our BLOG in February!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Crazy ass thoughts: THE Economist
I have mad respect for Ben now. He’s an evil mastermind in more ways than one. Here’s what I believe…
Ben is in charge of many secret operatives ”others”. Richard was not born on that island nor was anyone else. They all came about when some sort of syndicate (corporations with money) started using the island for hiding operatives(spies/assassins)… Mangus Hanso discovered the island long ago…with the black rock.
Dharma (ran by Hanso) set up experiments and a housing compound on the island. With widmore/Maxwell eventually taking over the hanso foundation- they decided to use the island as a testing facility…The dharma initiative came to the island and using force---put out Richard and the others..
These operatives Richard and the Others will travel off island to assasinate then when it comes time to dissapear they come back on island.
Ben is Richard and the Others chance to take over the housing compound and get back the island for their purpose and not that of reaserch. Ben is successful with the purge. The experimental stations go without being used for sometime.
Ben becomes their superior. He travels with Richard at times to go off island to recruit.
This is why Ben has his secret stash at his others house on the island full of clothes, passports and currency. The operatives were given housing and the comforts of home. However, they could not reproduce and this caused problems. Children could not be brought up and trained to become operatives also. This is the reason that Juliet was brought to the island. They wanted to have and raise cildren under their training so that going off island would not be an option as far as recruiting… Think about it…If you were an assassin…what would be the perfect way to disappear? To go to the island that no one can find…
We have proof of intelligence operations…
The files on the losties…The tests….(locke killing his father)
So originally…Ben was the original operatives chance to get the island back…Hanso/Dharma wanted the island for scientific studies…But Maxwell/widmore took over Dharma and then had to assassinate the Dharma folk on the island. Richard used Ben for this purpose. Some of these operatives off island could have been responsible for the assisnation on Hanso.
LETS LOOK AT THE 815 FACTOR--------------------------
815 was set up to crash on that island. Everyone needed was set up to be on that plane…
Jack: he went looking for his father--had to id his fathers corpse? And fly the body back home--on815
Kate: she was turned in by farmer who eventually received large reward money…she had to be expedited back to US on 815
Michael: Wife dies(prolly from the hands of BENS assassins) from a blood disease..He must take WALT and fly back to US on 815
Sawyer: Killed the wrong man who conned his parents…And was kicked out of Australia…Flies back home on 815..
Locke: travels to Australia for walkabout out of deep depression caused by his father cooper… He is turned away because of his handicap and flies home on 815.
Hurley: I s troubled by the numbers .. Flies to Australia to find the originator of the numbers…flies back home on 815.
Sun and Jin: Jin was supposed to deliver a watch for mr paik to LA. Sun was going to bail but didn’t. I believe that paik set up the affair sun had and was hoping she would leave before the 815 trip..however she changed her mind and boarded 815 with jin.
Claire: was set up by psychic to go to LA to meet her baby’s adoption parents…
Sayid: is set up by cia who tells him that nadia is in California. Working for a pharmaseudical company(prolly widmore)…
Ben cannot leave the island to get his tumor operated on because of his job and many aliases…So he needs JACK.
Ben needs an operative with previous intelligence and training to help with any off isand issues and or assassinations….So he needs Sayid.
Ben needs Sun as a hostage in order to continue getting submarines and transportation vehicles that are built by paik industries…So he needs sun.
Ben needs Locke to see if he CAN continue bens TASK of taking care of the secret of the island and managing the others.
So we know now that Sayid as been recruited by BEN to kill ppl on his LIST….If Sayid fails with his mission…then Ben will kill or have THE FOLLOWING killed --- Kate Jack Hurley and the rest of the losties left on the island….
Ben’ s enemy is Abbadon…Elsa works for Abaddon just as Naomi did. Does kate work for Abbadon in the future???
Maybe Kate’s “he’s wondering where I am “ statement was just like Elsa’s way of being “on call” for Abbadon…hmmmm…maybe kate was on her way to an abbadon meeting….
Abbadon is trying to find island of assassins to capture and prosecute..
***Now from EGGTOWN***
So MILES wants 3.2 million from BEN…Why doesn’t Kate question Miles about this? My CRAZY ASS THOUGHTS are that Miles really knows about Ben and his authority and power over secret operatives….Ben’s aliases and Ben’s access to monies which he probably has in swiss bank accounts that were deposited there by people that paid for assassinations. This is why Dean Moriarty’s passport was for Switzerland. This is why Miles wanted to know where Ben’s house was. He wanted to get info so he could try to obtain the money from the account if he didn’t find Ben…He needed the name on the passport…..or an account number….Wonder if that account number is 4815162342???
Hi guys and welcome to the official theories page for Station #12, The Shotglass. This page is designed for everyone to come and post theories and discuss other peoples ideas. This page is designed specifically for the more in depth theories, so please send them in to Toni The Shotglass podcast will be running on our myspace weekly, so any show thoughts, please send in to Niki Also, we have a spoilers page for those of you who can't wait, any spoilers PLEASE send to Croucher
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So get your thinking caps on people, get those ideas sent in.
All crazy ideas welcome!
Love all you Dharmaholics madly
Toni and Niki
Spoilers WILL NOT be posted here.
So get your thinking caps on people, get those ideas sent in.
All crazy ideas welcome!
Love all you Dharmaholics madly
Toni and Niki
Friday, April 25, 2008
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