Thanks to member TERRY for finding this!
1) they DO speak English
2) a picnic table and picket fence can stop bullets
3) you don't want to open that door
4) Australia is apparently useful in Risk.
5) Apparently, after an explosion, Sawyer looks a lot like Charlie.
6) Being shot in the back of the head doesn't mean you will fall face-first.
7) White people make Kate feel better when she's sick.
8) Smokey CAN jump. He was just too lazy in 'Left Behind'
9) Ben is Jack Bauer.
10) When breaking into a barricaded house, just ring the doorbell!
11) Ben is so in the closet, he has a closet in his closet
12) At the first sign of trouble, reach for the shotgun under the piano seat.
13) STAY IN THE HOUSE when automatic weapons fire is directed at you.
14) When politely asked what language you speak, answer correctly the first time, jackass.
15) Don't change the rules.
16) When surrounded by armed mercenaries pull the curtains to be safe.
17) The doctor is fine.
18) During a military attack, the safest place to put your baby is in a washing basket.
19) somebody else probably also knows Morse code
20) Sawyer says "son of a bitch" in every episode.
21) As long as you smile a lot, hotel supervisors don't care what you do.
22) Sawyer will kill you if you hurt one curly hair on Hugo's head.
23) When someone says rescuing your people isn't their primary objective, it's probably not an objective at all.
24) If you're daughter gets murdered, just call your monster to get revenge.
25) Scotch will get rid of night-mares.
26) When Sawyer yells "get back inside" your going to die.
27) Ben and Sayid can kill anyone.
28) Iraq and Tunisia are lovely in october
29) Your gut feeling isn't always the best feeling.
30) Spending 5 minutes debating whether or not to tell Ben the phone rang is probably not the wisest decision. There goes your head start.
31) Never underestimate a dentist
32) Sayid just wants to bury his wife
33) Sayid has a special ability where he can sense if someone is taking a picture of him on a roof even if hes facing the other way and has no reason to look up.
34) Hitmen much like the one who murdered nadia always stand on street corners drinking coffee just too look cool.
35) crackers always make kate feel better.
36) code 14-J isnt the code for the pizza boy.
37) when trying to find a ghost called jacob take hurley with you and let the guy who can sense ghosts get away.
38) Nadia did something because they wanted to hurt her.
39)when you run out of a house you get shot right away but the guy standing right next to you telling you to get inside doesnt get shot.
40.) Laugh it off as a joke if you ever have to ask a desk clerk what year it is.
41) Ben can control smokey
42) Don't lie about what is being said in Morse coad if someone else can understand it is standing next to you
43) Widmore broke the rules
44) Ben's never gonna find Penney
45) Ben can do more with a little black rod then two insurgents can do with automatic weapons
46) Ben would loose in chess because he doesn't give a sh!t about his pawns
47) The only thing creepier than Ben is the music he plays on his piano
48) Jack is going to get you off the island, just like he promised
49) When riding away on the horse of a slain enemy, you have to say "Hyah!" I mean, come on. You just HAVE to.
50) The doctor is fine
51) When somebody dies, you must close their eyes . .
52) Taking off that damn tie is NOT Daniel's primary objective
53) They will all die because of playing Risk.
54) Keamy is a bad,bad man.
55) The last words Alex ever heard was Ben disowning her and calling her recently deceased mother a crazy person. Nice.
56) Charles Whidmore is a perfect blend of Frasier and Anthony Hopkins.
57) apparently antibiotics really do cure everything.
58) Keep the baby away from the windows. A wise safety precaution, despite the bullets being unable to penetrate picket fences, a post or a table with big gaps in it.
59) Unless directly asked something, Charlotte will never say anything, but will only look on with a perturbed facial expression.
60) Arzt was right - the cool kids really do get everything, like the opportunity to live. Sucks to not be in the clique (I'm talking to you, Nikki and Paolo...)
61) Don't be so sure that you'll survive
62) when Ben says to immediatly run into the jungle after leaving the house. He really means stand there and watch the smoke monster eat people.
63) Hurley should have joined Team Jack when he had the chance.
64) time travel makes you steam and then puke
65) If the house your in is engulfed in a massive fireball and blown apart. Don't worry the worst injury you can expect is a scratch on the head.
66) When a large malevolent cloud of power is coming to kill you, dont just flee, try and shoot it, you never know.
67) Jacob is the man with the plan.
68) In a shootout redshirts will drop like flies.
69) Five minutes is WAY too long to debate amongst yourselves after the phone rings.
70) Whenever Ben successfully achieves a devious manipulation, he will smile creepily the moment he can no longer be seen.
71) Rocket launchers make Claire a bit wobbly, but she'll live.
72) Once you let your grief become anger, it will never go away.
73) Sayid uses a silencer, because the sound of gunfire is suspicious in Iraq.
74) Smokey prefers to eat men in uniform.
75) Ben knows what you did last Summer.
76) Keamy and his "henchmen" like to target the most insignificant of the LOSTIES.
77) Even Widmore is creeped out by Ben's eyes.
78) Sayid falls in love a lot ... and they all wind up dead.
79) "Ben you lied to me" ... duh.
80) The next action figure will be "Globetrotting Ben"
81) "keamed" will be added to Webster's dictionary as "to get decimated without remorse by a badass with his badass gun"
82) (this is something actually learned here) Island time is now ahead of normal time. Hence why the doctor is dead on the island before he is killed on the boat.
83) Watching someone wash their boobs is not a cure for stomach cramps
84) When fortifying a room from sniper shooters, open the door when you hear the doorbell ring.
85) Daniel Faraday is a crappy liar.
86) If ben say to locke " suck my balls " locke's ready to do it cause he doesnt know a sh!t about anything
87) Ben can speak turkish language,
88) you can make a communication system on the island and somebody always waiting on the boat to answer it
89) sahara desert is very cold you should wear hooded overcoat
90) Ben must like "On The Road" by Jack Kerouac since Dean Moriarty is his alias.
91. Ben actually sheds tears from his face.
92. Sawyer doesn't feel anything when a 16-year old hostage is shot.
93. Claire never has a fecking idea on what is going on.
94. Erin is a fecking quadra-BAMF.
95. Sayid shoots dead bodies after they are dead, even with no ammo.
96. When you hear the sound of gunfire, run towards it.
97) Sawyer dosent know who Charles Widmore or Jacob are
98) Being good-looking makes you impervious to bullets. And explosions. Unless you're Alex.
99) Desmonds boat is still on the Island somewhere
100!! Even Ben has a breaking point
101) Ben and Locke are having a homo gay love affaire, we will see it in next season.
102)Sawyer is in fact Han Solo or Superman I don't know which.
103) Jack can flash that smile, even when he's got the cramps.
104) Ben can manipulate anyone at anytime!
105) Going with and trusting Ben instead staying on the beach with Jack was a stupid idea. What a surprise! *gets shot