Hey Dharmaholics! Niki here just putting in my two cents for the "Kevin Johnson" episode...
Let me start by decribing my title. Ben is an EVIL GENIUS. I refuse to believe that he is a "Good Guy"... He claims to Michael that he would NEVER kill innocent people...But we, the viewer, know otherwise. Does everyone forget that Ben barked orders left and right to kill those that got in the others way when the went to te beach last season to collect the pregnant women??!!..This all would have ended if Sayid would have killed that "little bastard" back in the Swan hatch when he claimed to be Henry Gale. Simply put--Ben gets what he wants...And FINALLY, it took Miles to explain this to LOCKE and SAWYER! It's so frustrating for them to keep Ben hanging around when all they have to do is consider what he has done to them...Kidnap children, tried to hang Charlie, ambushing the losties camp to get the pregnant women, order the killings of JIN, Bernard and Sayid....The list goes on and on...Jack and Sawyer share the thought of killing BEN for all these things, but Locke refuses to let it happen. No one in that house wanted Ben there-- NO ONE! I'm glad to see Miles stepping up-even if he only has his own benefits in mind (3.2 million)...
Ben is the Pied Piper because EVERYTHING has been set up by him from the start to GET WHAT AND WHO he wants!!! The chess reference---he has all his "PAWNS" in place to play his game. He had Juliet's husband killed---HIT BY A BUS...He had Michael's wife killed---Mysterious blood disease...BEN IS ALWAYS 10 steps ahead of everyone else. I wouldn't be surprised if we find out that Widmore is just another PAWN in Ben's EVIL game!
Richard showed up around the time when Juliet felt helpless at her husband's death AND her sister's illness...Coincidence---I THINK NOT! For video clips to explain this see OUR VIDEO link on the blog...
Tom shows up when Michael is ready to end it all...Desperate and depressed because of Walt's alienation and the murders Michael committed...Coincidence---NO! These "Others" are representatives of BEN-- used to do his bidding to get these people to follow in his EVIL game!
"The island won't let you die!" --- That's horse shit!!! I believe Tom switched guns during their scuffle in the alley.
---Last year, Yeti Jack went to a viewing...The obituary from the papers said it was John Lantham... John apparently hung hmself in his apartment in New York...This makes me believe that Michael may be in the coffin...Let's look and compare.
John Lantham-Michael's mother made a statement that him and Walt are not to be adddressed by their ACTUAL names...This would explain the alias.
Hung himself- We saw that Michael is trying to commit suicide because of his guilt and alienation from his son.
New York- where Michael lives.
So that's who I think is in the coffin...How Jack finds out---I have no idea. But if everyone shares Sayid's opinion on Michael working for BEN--we know Kate does--that is why no one showed up to the viewing.
He is the puppet master and will win this game of chess...Checkmate!!!
Hi guys and welcome to the official theories page for Station #12, The Shotglass. This page is designed for everyone to come and post theories and discuss other peoples ideas. This page is designed specifically for the more in depth theories, so please send them in to Toni The Shotglass podcast will be running on our myspace weekly, so any show thoughts, please send in to Niki Also, we have a spoilers page for those of you who can't wait, any spoilers PLEASE send to Croucher
Spoilers WILL NOT be posted here.
So get your thinking caps on people, get those ideas sent in.
All crazy ideas welcome!
Love all you Dharmaholics madly
Toni and Niki
Spoilers WILL NOT be posted here.
So get your thinking caps on people, get those ideas sent in.
All crazy ideas welcome!
Love all you Dharmaholics madly
Toni and Niki
Friday, March 21, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Spoon's Theory on the O6
Spoon's thoughts on why the O6 are the ones who leave the island
Why the Oceanic 6?
So why is it the Oceanic 6? What happened to the other 815ers? What have we yet to see? These are answers I, sadly, do not have. But I will try and shed some light on what we have seen so far.
Remaining Two
So far it has been revealed (as of The Other Woman) that Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sayid are part of the Oceanic 6…..remember those names. What is it about these four that led them off the island? It seems, especially on Lost, that the explanations could be limitless, however, I believe there is a rhyme and reason to whom and more importantly why the Oceanic 6 came to be. First thing’s first, the final two. …It is in my opinion that the final two members of the O6 are Jin and Sun. Uneventful Iknow but hopefully the WHY will change that.
Now for the good stuff….the why. Why are Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun, & Jin the Oceanic 6? Why only them? In the simplest explanation…..they are the only ones who even have the ability. Why? (Man there are a lot of “whys” when it comes to Lost). Two words: The Swan. In The Constant, we learned that exposure to electromagnetism / radiation could cause “side-effects” while traveling to and from the island; those side-effects of course referring to the mind/consciousness flashing through time. I don’t have to mention Desmond….but I will. Desmond turned the fail safe key thus being at the apex of the electromagnetic anomaly which brought about his time flashes. It’s my belief that it is not only Desmond that is affected by the anomaly, but that most of our Losties might be affected by it because of their proximity to The Swan.

At the time of the electromagnetic anomaly most of our Losties were at the beach (located by the picture of the fuselage). They state in Season 2 that The Swan about 1.5 mils from the beach. In contrast to where Jack, Kate, Sawyer, & Hurley are [at the Pala Ferry(the boat to the right)] as well as Sayid, Sun & Jin (the four toed statue) that is relatively close. I believe the possibility of the Losties at the beach experiencing the “side-effects” while trying to leave the island is much greater than the others. In turn it also makes it more dangerous. I think Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sawyer, Sun & Jin are the safest when it comes to leaving the island. (I think Sawyer is still on the island with whatever remaining 815ers are alive…..because according to Juliet, war is coming).
Now I’m not saying this is without its flaws but I do think it’s on the right track.
My own addition to this theory
I think this theory is great and it would explain VERY well why the 06 are indeed the O6. This leads me to the reason Claire gives Aaron up. I know a few people may think that Claire dies on the island, but, after looking over this theory, I'm not so sure. I think its a possibility that the Losties find out about these side effects from Desmond. Claire was on the beach at the time of the hatch implosion so she would be at high risk from the side effects. The safest thing for her would be to stay on the island, but what mother would want her baby growing up in that place? This leads me to believe that Claire gives Aaron to Kate for his own safety. OK, so why isn't Aaron affected?? If you imagine a barrier around the island. There is a gap in this barrier that makes it safe to leave the island. On the way into the island all the Losties went through this barrier, so on departing, they experience side effects when they pass through. Aaron did not pass through this 'barrier' the same way that the other people did. I think this may be the reason he isn't affected. The other reason, as pointed out by Neeperkat, is that perhaps the side effects don't affect infants as it does adults.
Why the Oceanic 6?
So why is it the Oceanic 6? What happened to the other 815ers? What have we yet to see? These are answers I, sadly, do not have. But I will try and shed some light on what we have seen so far.
Remaining Two
So far it has been revealed (as of The Other Woman) that Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sayid are part of the Oceanic 6…..remember those names. What is it about these four that led them off the island? It seems, especially on Lost, that the explanations could be limitless, however, I believe there is a rhyme and reason to whom and more importantly why the Oceanic 6 came to be. First thing’s first, the final two. …It is in my opinion that the final two members of the O6 are Jin and Sun. Uneventful Iknow but hopefully the WHY will change that.
Now for the good stuff….the why. Why are Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun, & Jin the Oceanic 6? Why only them? In the simplest explanation…..they are the only ones who even have the ability. Why? (Man there are a lot of “whys” when it comes to Lost). Two words: The Swan. In The Constant, we learned that exposure to electromagnetism / radiation could cause “side-effects” while traveling to and from the island; those side-effects of course referring to the mind/consciousness flashing through time. I don’t have to mention Desmond….but I will. Desmond turned the fail safe key thus being at the apex of the electromagnetic anomaly which brought about his time flashes. It’s my belief that it is not only Desmond that is affected by the anomaly, but that most of our Losties might be affected by it because of their proximity to The Swan.

At the time of the electromagnetic anomaly most of our Losties were at the beach (located by the picture of the fuselage). They state in Season 2 that The Swan about 1.5 mils from the beach. In contrast to where Jack, Kate, Sawyer, & Hurley are [at the Pala Ferry(the boat to the right)] as well as Sayid, Sun & Jin (the four toed statue) that is relatively close. I believe the possibility of the Losties at the beach experiencing the “side-effects” while trying to leave the island is much greater than the others. In turn it also makes it more dangerous. I think Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sawyer, Sun & Jin are the safest when it comes to leaving the island. (I think Sawyer is still on the island with whatever remaining 815ers are alive…..because according to Juliet, war is coming).
Now I’m not saying this is without its flaws but I do think it’s on the right track.
My own addition to this theory
I think this theory is great and it would explain VERY well why the 06 are indeed the O6. This leads me to the reason Claire gives Aaron up. I know a few people may think that Claire dies on the island, but, after looking over this theory, I'm not so sure. I think its a possibility that the Losties find out about these side effects from Desmond. Claire was on the beach at the time of the hatch implosion so she would be at high risk from the side effects. The safest thing for her would be to stay on the island, but what mother would want her baby growing up in that place? This leads me to believe that Claire gives Aaron to Kate for his own safety. OK, so why isn't Aaron affected?? If you imagine a barrier around the island. There is a gap in this barrier that makes it safe to leave the island. On the way into the island all the Losties went through this barrier, so on departing, they experience side effects when they pass through. Aaron did not pass through this 'barrier' the same way that the other people did. I think this may be the reason he isn't affected. The other reason, as pointed out by Neeperkat, is that perhaps the side effects don't affect infants as it does adults.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
From EW.com
''Finally! Ben's gonna tell us who sent that damn freighter!''
You know, wouldn't it be a fiendish twist if we find out that the man behind the freighter is none other than... Ben himself!? That's what reader Tom Champoux thinks. A fan of both Lost and The Usual Suspects, Doc Champoux sent me an e-mail arguing that Ben is pulling a ''Keyser Soze'' — creating a fictitious big bad to further manipulate our heroes and advance his big-picture agenda. ''I think he hired the freighter folk through some Kobayashi butler,'' writes Champoux, whose theory could explain the mysterious identity of Matthew Abbaddon. Regardless, he says, ''I think Ben was being honest when he told Michael at the end of season 2, 'I'm one of the good guys.'''
''Finally! Ben's gonna tell us who sent that damn freighter!''
You know, wouldn't it be a fiendish twist if we find out that the man behind the freighter is none other than... Ben himself!? That's what reader Tom Champoux thinks. A fan of both Lost and The Usual Suspects, Doc Champoux sent me an e-mail arguing that Ben is pulling a ''Keyser Soze'' — creating a fictitious big bad to further manipulate our heroes and advance his big-picture agenda. ''I think he hired the freighter folk through some Kobayashi butler,'' writes Champoux, whose theory could explain the mysterious identity of Matthew Abbaddon. Regardless, he says, ''I think Ben was being honest when he told Michael at the end of season 2, 'I'm one of the good guys.'''
From EW.com
Desmond had the time-warp blues, but freighter freak Minkowski had Marty McFly Mania: Due to his own exposure to electromagnetic magic, he began psychically commuting back to a pleasant day on a Ferris wheel. He died desperately trying to zip-line back to this happy day one more time. Coldly poignant, I thought. Notice: Unlike Desmond's time-travel story, Minkowski's present day consciousness was making the trip. Lindelof says this difference was designed to make a very important point: ''As Faraday explains in the episode, the effect is random. Sometimes a person can be displaced by minutes, other times, years. And the direction of the effect is equally unpredictable. Our way of demonstrating this was to give Minkowski a wildly different experience than Desmond was having.'' Lindelof says none of this is arbitrary; exposure to electromagnetism or radiation plays a role. But he adds: ''Looking for specific rules for how all this works will lead you down the path of insanity.''
To be clear, Desmond's past was different before ''The Constant.'' Before his time-travel adventure, Desmond never met Faraday at Oxford, never got Penelope's digits. As a consequence of changing the past, Desmond's personal history has been ''course corrected'' by The Powers That Be, beginning from the moment he walked away from Penny's apartment. Lindelof says this interpretation is also correct. But here's a Big Question: since scoring Penelope's phone number, has Course-Corrected Desmond lived his life knowing that on Christmas Eve 2004, he MUST be on a freighter in the South Pacific in order to make a call to Penelope if he wants any chance of having a future with her? Lindelof says this is indeed a matter we should be mulling. Perhaps in the future, Lost will give us an episode that replays Desmond's backstory (getting the boat from Libby; killing Kelvin; meeting the castaways) from the point of view of this knowingness.
[And with that, our friend Damon leaves the column to attend to other important matters — running a show, raising a family, shopping for cool T-shirts. We thank him for his input. From here on, the analysis is purely mine. Sorry.]
Desmond's ''unstuck in time'' nightmare began when Frank flew the helicopter into that monstrous thundercloud. The chopper was buffeted by intense turbulence. Lightning flashed. Frank pulled up and out of trouble. So what was that weird weather all about? Well, I don't think it was a passing storm. In, fact, I really don't think you can call it weather. As I explained last week, I think the Island is located inside the mouth of a wormhole, a possibly volatile anomaly in the time-space fabric. The chopper was passing over the rough-and-tumble boundary that exists between the anomaly and the outside world. (That wormhole has seriously blistered lips.) Another way of thinking about this is to think of a curtain hanging around the Island at a certain point offshore. This curtain extends from the sky to the ocean floor — hence, why The Sub also encounters turbulence when traveling to and from the Island. (See: Juliet's backstory in ''One of Them.'')
The problem with wormhole theory is that wormholes don't stay open on their own. Theoretically, they require a constant (and literally astronomical) supply of energy to stay in business. This past week, popularmechanics.com (which frequently ruminates on the science of Lost) speculated that this could have been why The Button had to be pushed every 108 minutes — to harness and discharge wormhole-sustaining electromagnetic energy.
Of course, now that the Hatch is gone, does that mean the wormhole is closed? Here's my theory: I think the failsafe key protocol (initiated by Desmond in the season 2 finale) called for one last blast of energy designed to keep the wormhole open for an extended period of time so that final business could be conducted. But when that time elapses, it's hasta la vista time-space anomaly. And maybe, bye-bye Island, too.
The chopper left the Island at dusk, but didn't arrive at the freighter until afternoon the next day, even though the flight lasted about 30 minutes. This bit of weirdness inspired the following question in my mind: Do different trajectories away from the Island lead to different points in time? Lapidus flew a trajectory (A) that took just 30 minutes; the chopper landed about 18 hours later. If Lapidus had flown a slightly different trajectory (B) that took roughly the same time, perhaps he might have arrived sooner. Or even later. Or possibly never. Why might this be important to season 4? Because if I'm right — if every different route away from the Island leads to a different point in time — then you have to wonder about those coordinates Ben gave Michael and Walt at the end of season 2. The question isn't just ''Where did Ben send them?'' — it could also be ''When?''
For a couple weeks now, we've been trying to figure out the significance of Daniel Faraday's rocket experiment, which seemed to establish a 31-minute time differential between the Island and the freighter. However, ''The Constant'' suggested (at least to me) another possibility: it could be that the Island and the freighter are in synch, and that the rocket gained the extra time while flying through the turbulent perimeter of the anomaly. This is all to say, I think we need to reconsider the idea that ''time passes more slowly on the Island'' until we get more data.
I tip my hat to Lost blogger Vozzek69 (at darkufo.blogspot.com) and some of my own readers for catching this one: It seems most likely that the time-travel illness that killed Minkowski is the same mythical ''sickness'' that killed The French Lady's fellow scientists wayyy back in the day. I really love this idea. I was never fond of the idea that ''the sickness'' was a Dharma hoax. It just didn't feel right. But this — this feels right. And if it is right, I love it even more for the way this answer was basically left for us to puzzle out, as opposed to having some dude explain it all to us. I expect that in the coming episodes and seasons, more Lost mysteries will be resolved this way.
Desmond had the time-warp blues, but freighter freak Minkowski had Marty McFly Mania: Due to his own exposure to electromagnetic magic, he began psychically commuting back to a pleasant day on a Ferris wheel. He died desperately trying to zip-line back to this happy day one more time. Coldly poignant, I thought. Notice: Unlike Desmond's time-travel story, Minkowski's present day consciousness was making the trip. Lindelof says this difference was designed to make a very important point: ''As Faraday explains in the episode, the effect is random. Sometimes a person can be displaced by minutes, other times, years. And the direction of the effect is equally unpredictable. Our way of demonstrating this was to give Minkowski a wildly different experience than Desmond was having.'' Lindelof says none of this is arbitrary; exposure to electromagnetism or radiation plays a role. But he adds: ''Looking for specific rules for how all this works will lead you down the path of insanity.''
To be clear, Desmond's past was different before ''The Constant.'' Before his time-travel adventure, Desmond never met Faraday at Oxford, never got Penelope's digits. As a consequence of changing the past, Desmond's personal history has been ''course corrected'' by The Powers That Be, beginning from the moment he walked away from Penny's apartment. Lindelof says this interpretation is also correct. But here's a Big Question: since scoring Penelope's phone number, has Course-Corrected Desmond lived his life knowing that on Christmas Eve 2004, he MUST be on a freighter in the South Pacific in order to make a call to Penelope if he wants any chance of having a future with her? Lindelof says this is indeed a matter we should be mulling. Perhaps in the future, Lost will give us an episode that replays Desmond's backstory (getting the boat from Libby; killing Kelvin; meeting the castaways) from the point of view of this knowingness.
[And with that, our friend Damon leaves the column to attend to other important matters — running a show, raising a family, shopping for cool T-shirts. We thank him for his input. From here on, the analysis is purely mine. Sorry.]
Desmond's ''unstuck in time'' nightmare began when Frank flew the helicopter into that monstrous thundercloud. The chopper was buffeted by intense turbulence. Lightning flashed. Frank pulled up and out of trouble. So what was that weird weather all about? Well, I don't think it was a passing storm. In, fact, I really don't think you can call it weather. As I explained last week, I think the Island is located inside the mouth of a wormhole, a possibly volatile anomaly in the time-space fabric. The chopper was passing over the rough-and-tumble boundary that exists between the anomaly and the outside world. (That wormhole has seriously blistered lips.) Another way of thinking about this is to think of a curtain hanging around the Island at a certain point offshore. This curtain extends from the sky to the ocean floor — hence, why The Sub also encounters turbulence when traveling to and from the Island. (See: Juliet's backstory in ''One of Them.'')
The problem with wormhole theory is that wormholes don't stay open on their own. Theoretically, they require a constant (and literally astronomical) supply of energy to stay in business. This past week, popularmechanics.com (which frequently ruminates on the science of Lost) speculated that this could have been why The Button had to be pushed every 108 minutes — to harness and discharge wormhole-sustaining electromagnetic energy.
Of course, now that the Hatch is gone, does that mean the wormhole is closed? Here's my theory: I think the failsafe key protocol (initiated by Desmond in the season 2 finale) called for one last blast of energy designed to keep the wormhole open for an extended period of time so that final business could be conducted. But when that time elapses, it's hasta la vista time-space anomaly. And maybe, bye-bye Island, too.
The chopper left the Island at dusk, but didn't arrive at the freighter until afternoon the next day, even though the flight lasted about 30 minutes. This bit of weirdness inspired the following question in my mind: Do different trajectories away from the Island lead to different points in time? Lapidus flew a trajectory (A) that took just 30 minutes; the chopper landed about 18 hours later. If Lapidus had flown a slightly different trajectory (B) that took roughly the same time, perhaps he might have arrived sooner. Or even later. Or possibly never. Why might this be important to season 4? Because if I'm right — if every different route away from the Island leads to a different point in time — then you have to wonder about those coordinates Ben gave Michael and Walt at the end of season 2. The question isn't just ''Where did Ben send them?'' — it could also be ''When?''
For a couple weeks now, we've been trying to figure out the significance of Daniel Faraday's rocket experiment, which seemed to establish a 31-minute time differential between the Island and the freighter. However, ''The Constant'' suggested (at least to me) another possibility: it could be that the Island and the freighter are in synch, and that the rocket gained the extra time while flying through the turbulent perimeter of the anomaly. This is all to say, I think we need to reconsider the idea that ''time passes more slowly on the Island'' until we get more data.
I tip my hat to Lost blogger Vozzek69 (at darkufo.blogspot.com) and some of my own readers for catching this one: It seems most likely that the time-travel illness that killed Minkowski is the same mythical ''sickness'' that killed The French Lady's fellow scientists wayyy back in the day. I really love this idea. I was never fond of the idea that ''the sickness'' was a Dharma hoax. It just didn't feel right. But this — this feels right. And if it is right, I love it even more for the way this answer was basically left for us to puzzle out, as opposed to having some dude explain it all to us. I expect that in the coming episodes and seasons, more Lost mysteries will be resolved this way.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Electromagnetism/Radiation on the island. Kills and cures?
Many thanks to Tilly and batttie for thoughts that have been very helpful in coming to this theory
We all know that women have been unable to have children successfully on the island, that they carry their baby then during childbirth, both mother and infant die. We know all this was happening before the swan imploded, but what about now it has gone? Could it be a possibility that the electromagnetism from the Swan caused this? We know that women cannot have x-rays while pregnant unless they are well protected, but mostly it is advised not to have one. We also know that women are advised to not have radiotherapy for cancer treatment while pregnant. But what would these treatments do to harm both mother and child?
Tilly pointed out that during radiotherapy in cancer treatment, the body's immune system is lowered, so could this mean that radiation/electromagnetism on the island has reduced the mothers immune system so much over the space of 9 months, that the body itself is treating the fetus as a foreign object? Or perhaps when the baby is born, its immune system is also so low that it dies at the time of birth? And as the mothers immune system is so low and birth is a traumatic experience as it is, her body just gives up. This could explain why Claire didn't die when giving birth to Aaron. She had only been exposed for a few weeks, rather than a full 9 months as the other mothers had been.
We know that Ben had a tumor on his spine and if radiation/electromagnetism was such a problem, surely his tumor would have been treated? But my answer to this would be that his tumor was just to aggressive for the radiation to possibly treat it. We know that not all cancer can be treated in such a way. This may explain Rose being cured also.
We all know that women have been unable to have children successfully on the island, that they carry their baby then during childbirth, both mother and infant die. We know all this was happening before the swan imploded, but what about now it has gone? Could it be a possibility that the electromagnetism from the Swan caused this? We know that women cannot have x-rays while pregnant unless they are well protected, but mostly it is advised not to have one. We also know that women are advised to not have radiotherapy for cancer treatment while pregnant. But what would these treatments do to harm both mother and child?
Tilly pointed out that during radiotherapy in cancer treatment, the body's immune system is lowered, so could this mean that radiation/electromagnetism on the island has reduced the mothers immune system so much over the space of 9 months, that the body itself is treating the fetus as a foreign object? Or perhaps when the baby is born, its immune system is also so low that it dies at the time of birth? And as the mothers immune system is so low and birth is a traumatic experience as it is, her body just gives up. This could explain why Claire didn't die when giving birth to Aaron. She had only been exposed for a few weeks, rather than a full 9 months as the other mothers had been.
We know that Ben had a tumor on his spine and if radiation/electromagnetism was such a problem, surely his tumor would have been treated? But my answer to this would be that his tumor was just to aggressive for the radiation to possibly treat it. We know that not all cancer can be treated in such a way. This may explain Rose being cured also.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Jacob in Korean War?
Theory sent in by new member Robert. Leave plenty of feedback to get more of his thoughts!
We start with the Korean War in the 1950's where a young American solider named Jacob fights for what he thinks is right and just. After learning that the war is not everything he hopes it was he goes AWOL with a group of soldiers who think the same thing. The group includes Richard, Tom, Beatrix, and and a young man named Alvar who has an agenda of his own. Along with some "others" pun intended the go and explore the country side. The war is over and they can come out of hiding. They decide to pack up ship and go exploring the high sea.
So there they are on their boat traveling anywhere but home. Alvar knows exactly where they are going though, to find his great grandfathers pirate ship, and since he is the captain of the boat he goes where he wants. They eventually come upon the island and see thats its a clam and tranquil place. After awhile they decide to call it home. One day Alvar goes out looking for the ship and finds it. Yet what he wants is not there but he does find something of a bigger interest to him. That same day Richard is hurt finding food but when is healed not but two hours after that, this is when the group realizes that the island is special and can not leave. This causes a problem when Alvar wants to leave and won't let anything stand in his way not even Jacob who he kills, or tries to kill and takes off to the U.S.A. When he gets back he is treated as a hero and not a coward. By this time it the mid sixties and a revolution is happening. He gets in contact with some old friends of his. The DeGroots to be exact and he tell them about the island which they have been looking for along time as well. You see there has been talk for some time of an island in the middle of nowhere that is said to very special properties. Well back on the island the group that was left behind finds that the island has many different inhabitnts over the years. When the group finds them they come together to stop anyone from ever finding the island. Its sucks for them because the DHARMA Initiative has been formed and is coming to island. When they do they set up shop and start building stations to make monitar the islands special properties.
This ends Part 2. There might be a part 3 it all depends on what you guys think.
So what it all comes down to is that the island has always had the special properties and that group from Korea just happen to have the right people to control the island properly. Yet the D.I. has always known about the island.
We start with the Korean War in the 1950's where a young American solider named Jacob fights for what he thinks is right and just. After learning that the war is not everything he hopes it was he goes AWOL with a group of soldiers who think the same thing. The group includes Richard, Tom, Beatrix, and and a young man named Alvar who has an agenda of his own. Along with some "others" pun intended the go and explore the country side. The war is over and they can come out of hiding. They decide to pack up ship and go exploring the high sea.
So there they are on their boat traveling anywhere but home. Alvar knows exactly where they are going though, to find his great grandfathers pirate ship, and since he is the captain of the boat he goes where he wants. They eventually come upon the island and see thats its a clam and tranquil place. After awhile they decide to call it home. One day Alvar goes out looking for the ship and finds it. Yet what he wants is not there but he does find something of a bigger interest to him. That same day Richard is hurt finding food but when is healed not but two hours after that, this is when the group realizes that the island is special and can not leave. This causes a problem when Alvar wants to leave and won't let anything stand in his way not even Jacob who he kills, or tries to kill and takes off to the U.S.A. When he gets back he is treated as a hero and not a coward. By this time it the mid sixties and a revolution is happening. He gets in contact with some old friends of his. The DeGroots to be exact and he tell them about the island which they have been looking for along time as well. You see there has been talk for some time of an island in the middle of nowhere that is said to very special properties. Well back on the island the group that was left behind finds that the island has many different inhabitnts over the years. When the group finds them they come together to stop anyone from ever finding the island. Its sucks for them because the DHARMA Initiative has been formed and is coming to island. When they do they set up shop and start building stations to make monitar the islands special properties.
This ends Part 2. There might be a part 3 it all depends on what you guys think.
So what it all comes down to is that the island has always had the special properties and that group from Korea just happen to have the right people to control the island properly. Yet the D.I. has always known about the island.
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