Here are my thoughts on Eggtown
Aaron--- I think that Kates son Aaron is definitely Claires Aaron. So something must have happened to Claire for Kate to have him now. Now, onto Jack after the trial. He clearly doesn’t want to see the child, but why. My thought on this is that he knows he is Aarons uncle and cannot bear lying to the child for the rest of its life. He couldn’t ever tell Aaron who he really is without revealing that Kate is not his mother. But also, it would be strange raising Aaron with Kate, playing mummy and daddy to a child that is not their son, but is Jacks nephew. The O6 have all stuck to the same story since they left the island, I think the reason such a specific story was made up will become clear in time. But if Aaron was to find out when he was a bit older that Kate wasn’t his mother, the whole O6 story would be proven to be a lie and who knows what consequences there may be.
On to Jacks story on the stand about how Kate was a hero and Kate saved all of the O6. Why? This seems to be the story they were given from the start as Kate mentions it to Jack about how he has told that story so many times. I wonder if this story may have been given to them with Kates trial in mind. Kate went back to the real world knowing full well that she was going to be arrested. She questioned Miles on whether he knew her and what she had done, he made it pretty clear that the world knew all about Kate. So why would she go back? To be arrested and more than likely to be imprisoned for most of her life. There has to be more to it. Maybe the O6 are needed for something in the future?
The deal made at the trial was 10 years probation and Kate not being allowed to leave the state. Seems odd to me that her crimes were committed in Iowa but the trial was held in California. So its not her home state shes not allow leave, it’s a whole other state. Seems strange to me that its Cali shes not allowed to leave.
My thought on Daniel, Charlotte and the cards. I’m not sure that telepathy is what he was doing. I think Dan may have suffered some kind of injury to his memory. I think he is doing some kind of memory training when he and Charlotte are playing with the cards. This may explain why he was crying in Confirmed Dead and didn’t know why. Maybe he had some connection with some one on the plane, but couldn’t quite remember who he is connected to or why he had the connection. He feels upset for some reason, for the loss of someone, but cant quite place it.
Finally, Jin and Sun. When they are talking just before Jack returns to the beach with Daniel and Charlotte, Sun says "I want to raise MY baby at home in Korea." Jin replies "OUR baby". Sun looked away with a strange almost guilty look on her face. I don't think the baby is Jin's. I think that Sun conceived off the island during her affair. Maybe this could be explained by the time difference between on and off island events. Maybe Juliet actually thinks its Jin's and that the baby was conceived on the island, but she actually conceived off the island but the time difference makes it appear it was on island.
My own personal question of the week, is how the hell is Kates mum still alive?? The doctors have been giving her 6 months to live for the last 4 years. Last time we saw her she was about dead. Has Dharma been using some of their own kinda magic on her????
Hi guys and welcome to the official theories page for Station #12, The Shotglass. This page is designed for everyone to come and post theories and discuss other peoples ideas. This page is designed specifically for the more in depth theories, so please send them in to Toni The Shotglass podcast will be running on our myspace weekly, so any show thoughts, please send in to Niki Also, we have a spoilers page for those of you who can't wait, any spoilers PLEASE send to Croucher
Spoilers WILL NOT be posted here.
So get your thinking caps on people, get those ideas sent in.
All crazy ideas welcome!
Love all you Dharmaholics madly
Toni and Niki
Spoilers WILL NOT be posted here.
So get your thinking caps on people, get those ideas sent in.
All crazy ideas welcome!
Love all you Dharmaholics madly
Toni and Niki
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Crazy ass thoughts: THE Economist
I have mad respect for Ben now. He’s an evil mastermind in more ways than one. Here’s what I believe…
Ben is in charge of many secret operatives ”others”. Richard was not born on that island nor was anyone else. They all came about when some sort of syndicate (corporations with money) started using the island for hiding operatives(spies/assassins)… Mangus Hanso discovered the island long ago…with the black rock.
Dharma (ran by Hanso) set up experiments and a housing compound on the island. With widmore/Maxwell eventually taking over the hanso foundation- they decided to use the island as a testing facility…The dharma initiative came to the island and using force---put out Richard and the others..
These operatives Richard and the Others will travel off island to assasinate then when it comes time to dissapear they come back on island.
Ben is Richard and the Others chance to take over the housing compound and get back the island for their purpose and not that of reaserch. Ben is successful with the purge. The experimental stations go without being used for sometime.
Ben becomes their superior. He travels with Richard at times to go off island to recruit.
This is why Ben has his secret stash at his others house on the island full of clothes, passports and currency. The operatives were given housing and the comforts of home. However, they could not reproduce and this caused problems. Children could not be brought up and trained to become operatives also. This is the reason that Juliet was brought to the island. They wanted to have and raise cildren under their training so that going off island would not be an option as far as recruiting… Think about it…If you were an assassin…what would be the perfect way to disappear? To go to the island that no one can find…
We have proof of intelligence operations…
The files on the losties…The tests….(locke killing his father)
So originally…Ben was the original operatives chance to get the island back…Hanso/Dharma wanted the island for scientific studies…But Maxwell/widmore took over Dharma and then had to assassinate the Dharma folk on the island. Richard used Ben for this purpose. Some of these operatives off island could have been responsible for the assisnation on Hanso.
LETS LOOK AT THE 815 FACTOR--------------------------
815 was set up to crash on that island. Everyone needed was set up to be on that plane…
Jack: he went looking for his father--had to id his fathers corpse? And fly the body back home--on815
Kate: she was turned in by farmer who eventually received large reward money…she had to be expedited back to US on 815
Michael: Wife dies(prolly from the hands of BENS assassins) from a blood disease..He must take WALT and fly back to US on 815
Sawyer: Killed the wrong man who conned his parents…And was kicked out of Australia…Flies back home on 815..
Locke: travels to Australia for walkabout out of deep depression caused by his father cooper… He is turned away because of his handicap and flies home on 815.
Hurley: I s troubled by the numbers .. Flies to Australia to find the originator of the numbers…flies back home on 815.
Sun and Jin: Jin was supposed to deliver a watch for mr paik to LA. Sun was going to bail but didn’t. I believe that paik set up the affair sun had and was hoping she would leave before the 815 trip..however she changed her mind and boarded 815 with jin.
Claire: was set up by psychic to go to LA to meet her baby’s adoption parents…
Sayid: is set up by cia who tells him that nadia is in California. Working for a pharmaseudical company(prolly widmore)…
Ben cannot leave the island to get his tumor operated on because of his job and many aliases…So he needs JACK.
Ben needs an operative with previous intelligence and training to help with any off isand issues and or assassinations….So he needs Sayid.
Ben needs Sun as a hostage in order to continue getting submarines and transportation vehicles that are built by paik industries…So he needs sun.
Ben needs Locke to see if he CAN continue bens TASK of taking care of the secret of the island and managing the others.
So we know now that Sayid as been recruited by BEN to kill ppl on his LIST….If Sayid fails with his mission…then Ben will kill or have THE FOLLOWING killed --- Kate Jack Hurley and the rest of the losties left on the island….
Ben’ s enemy is Abbadon…Elsa works for Abaddon just as Naomi did. Does kate work for Abbadon in the future???
Maybe Kate’s “he’s wondering where I am “ statement was just like Elsa’s way of being “on call” for Abbadon…hmmmm…maybe kate was on her way to an abbadon meeting….
Abbadon is trying to find island of assassins to capture and prosecute..
***Now from EGGTOWN***
So MILES wants 3.2 million from BEN…Why doesn’t Kate question Miles about this? My CRAZY ASS THOUGHTS are that Miles really knows about Ben and his authority and power over secret operatives….Ben’s aliases and Ben’s access to monies which he probably has in swiss bank accounts that were deposited there by people that paid for assassinations. This is why Dean Moriarty’s passport was for Switzerland. This is why Miles wanted to know where Ben’s house was. He wanted to get info so he could try to obtain the money from the account if he didn’t find Ben…He needed the name on the passport…..or an account number….Wonder if that account number is 4815162342???
I have mad respect for Ben now. He’s an evil mastermind in more ways than one. Here’s what I believe…
Ben is in charge of many secret operatives ”others”. Richard was not born on that island nor was anyone else. They all came about when some sort of syndicate (corporations with money) started using the island for hiding operatives(spies/assassins)… Mangus Hanso discovered the island long ago…with the black rock.
Dharma (ran by Hanso) set up experiments and a housing compound on the island. With widmore/Maxwell eventually taking over the hanso foundation- they decided to use the island as a testing facility…The dharma initiative came to the island and using force---put out Richard and the others..
These operatives Richard and the Others will travel off island to assasinate then when it comes time to dissapear they come back on island.
Ben is Richard and the Others chance to take over the housing compound and get back the island for their purpose and not that of reaserch. Ben is successful with the purge. The experimental stations go without being used for sometime.
Ben becomes their superior. He travels with Richard at times to go off island to recruit.
This is why Ben has his secret stash at his others house on the island full of clothes, passports and currency. The operatives were given housing and the comforts of home. However, they could not reproduce and this caused problems. Children could not be brought up and trained to become operatives also. This is the reason that Juliet was brought to the island. They wanted to have and raise cildren under their training so that going off island would not be an option as far as recruiting… Think about it…If you were an assassin…what would be the perfect way to disappear? To go to the island that no one can find…
We have proof of intelligence operations…
The files on the losties…The tests….(locke killing his father)
So originally…Ben was the original operatives chance to get the island back…Hanso/Dharma wanted the island for scientific studies…But Maxwell/widmore took over Dharma and then had to assassinate the Dharma folk on the island. Richard used Ben for this purpose. Some of these operatives off island could have been responsible for the assisnation on Hanso.
LETS LOOK AT THE 815 FACTOR--------------------------
815 was set up to crash on that island. Everyone needed was set up to be on that plane…
Jack: he went looking for his father--had to id his fathers corpse? And fly the body back home--on815
Kate: she was turned in by farmer who eventually received large reward money…she had to be expedited back to US on 815
Michael: Wife dies(prolly from the hands of BENS assassins) from a blood disease..He must take WALT and fly back to US on 815
Sawyer: Killed the wrong man who conned his parents…And was kicked out of Australia…Flies back home on 815..
Locke: travels to Australia for walkabout out of deep depression caused by his father cooper… He is turned away because of his handicap and flies home on 815.
Hurley: I s troubled by the numbers .. Flies to Australia to find the originator of the numbers…flies back home on 815.
Sun and Jin: Jin was supposed to deliver a watch for mr paik to LA. Sun was going to bail but didn’t. I believe that paik set up the affair sun had and was hoping she would leave before the 815 trip..however she changed her mind and boarded 815 with jin.
Claire: was set up by psychic to go to LA to meet her baby’s adoption parents…
Sayid: is set up by cia who tells him that nadia is in California. Working for a pharmaseudical company(prolly widmore)…
Ben cannot leave the island to get his tumor operated on because of his job and many aliases…So he needs JACK.
Ben needs an operative with previous intelligence and training to help with any off isand issues and or assassinations….So he needs Sayid.
Ben needs Sun as a hostage in order to continue getting submarines and transportation vehicles that are built by paik industries…So he needs sun.
Ben needs Locke to see if he CAN continue bens TASK of taking care of the secret of the island and managing the others.
So we know now that Sayid as been recruited by BEN to kill ppl on his LIST….If Sayid fails with his mission…then Ben will kill or have THE FOLLOWING killed --- Kate Jack Hurley and the rest of the losties left on the island….
Ben’ s enemy is Abbadon…Elsa works for Abaddon just as Naomi did. Does kate work for Abbadon in the future???
Maybe Kate’s “he’s wondering where I am “ statement was just like Elsa’s way of being “on call” for Abbadon…hmmmm…maybe kate was on her way to an abbadon meeting….
Abbadon is trying to find island of assassins to capture and prosecute..
***Now from EGGTOWN***
So MILES wants 3.2 million from BEN…Why doesn’t Kate question Miles about this? My CRAZY ASS THOUGHTS are that Miles really knows about Ben and his authority and power over secret operatives….Ben’s aliases and Ben’s access to monies which he probably has in swiss bank accounts that were deposited there by people that paid for assassinations. This is why Dean Moriarty’s passport was for Switzerland. This is why Miles wanted to know where Ben’s house was. He wanted to get info so he could try to obtain the money from the account if he didn’t find Ben…He needed the name on the passport…..or an account number….Wonder if that account number is 4815162342???
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Why Ben took Alex
Sent in by Neeperkat
So Ben and Annie grow up togther, get married and are living very happily, and are expecting a baby! They take a walk one day, and Annie goes into labour, early, and just like Bens mother, she dies, and so does the baby. Now other mothers are dying as well while pregnant, and Ben sees this as a chance to get some leadership. He knows about Danielle so he goes and takes Alex from her to take back to the others as his own child that Annie had given birth too, to show that he is special and the island and Jacob has allowed him to have a child. He does not dare call the child what he and Annie had been planning, to painful, so he keeps her name Alex.
My own thoughts to add to this
I LOVE this theory. Just to add to Kats thought, it seems possible to me that Danielles ship was brought to the island. As most people know, I have a lot of Widmore/Dharma conspiracy theories and it seems possible to me that this could be Bens doing.
So Ben and Annie grow up togther, get married and are living very happily, and are expecting a baby! They take a walk one day, and Annie goes into labour, early, and just like Bens mother, she dies, and so does the baby. Now other mothers are dying as well while pregnant, and Ben sees this as a chance to get some leadership. He knows about Danielle so he goes and takes Alex from her to take back to the others as his own child that Annie had given birth too, to show that he is special and the island and Jacob has allowed him to have a child. He does not dare call the child what he and Annie had been planning, to painful, so he keeps her name Alex.
My own thoughts to add to this
I LOVE this theory. Just to add to Kats thought, it seems possible to me that Danielles ship was brought to the island. As most people know, I have a lot of Widmore/Dharma conspiracy theories and it seems possible to me that this could be Bens doing.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Everyone is on the island for a specific reason???
Its not just Niki that has the crazy ass thoughts round here. Here is one from Toni about how and why people are on the island of doom
I must also credit Niki for help with this theory,as she is my inspiration for crazy ass thoughts
Just to let you know, I believe that Dharma/Widmore/Maxwell/Paik are all connected and working together. This might help make sense of my crazy ass thoughts.
I think maybe everyone on the island was brought there for a reason.
Lets start with Jackbob. - I think its fairly obvious why Jack is on the island, Ben needed a surgeon to remove the tumor on his spine. Its clear Ben can leave the island, but if he has people looking for him, people that wish to do him harm, then he would be pretty reluctant to leave don't you think. Jack shouldn't have been on 815, this was because of the clearance for his fathers coffin. But for some reason he was allowed on the plane. Strange huh??
Ok, Kate. - I think Kate was sent to the island to prevent her being sent to prison for the crimes she committed. We know the man she believed to be her father was in the US army, he was in Iraq at the same time Kelvin was. We know Kelvin later worked for Dharma. Maybe through Kelvin and he father, she found her way to the island.
Sawyer - I believe Sawyer sent to the island to rid him of the demons that haunted him. Anthony Cooper to be specific. Just to add more craziness to this, I think the Talbot family in Lost,(Cooper was engaged to Mrs Talbot. Peter Talbot, her son, is presumed to have been killed by Cooper) is the same family Talbot in 815 comes from. I think that Cooper was brought to the island by someone to be killed. Firstly, John Locke wouldn't kill him so Alpert showed Locke the file on Sawyer, those hostiles are sneaky little buggers. So then Sawyer finds out this is the man that caused the death of both his parents, gets a bit crazy and kills him. Thats like 3 birds, one stone. Talbot family is avenged, Sawyer gets his man, Locke appears worthy to the Others.
Right, onto Locke. - John Locke was crippled 4 years before the crash, by his father pushing him out of a window. Bit harsh if you ask me! Locke has always appeared to have some sort of connection with the island and has always know this is not just any old island. I think Locke was brought to the island because of his spirituality and his worthiness of being a leader. I think we will come to see that when Ben leaves the island, Locke will take over his position as leader, or, if anything happens to Ben, he will become full-time leader. I also think he was brought to test the healing abilities of the island.
Sayid - Most of the reason Sayid is on the island is mentioned in my last theory. I think Sayid was brought to be a killer. Sayid is a good man, but has done some bad things. We know that Sayid will do anything to protect those he loves. So if Ben knows that Dharma/Widmore had something to do with Nadias death, why not get him to the island to do a light spot of murdering, torturing and general bad ass stuff?
Jin and Sun - I have 2 thoughts on this. I think they were brought to see if a sterile man could get his wife pregnant, again testing the islands abilities. Also, Mr Paik never approved of Sun marrying Jin. I think Paik gave Jin the watch to deliver to LA to get him on the island, thinking that Sun would leave him at the airport, which she almost did.
Claire next. - We know why Claire was on 815 so I wont go into this too much. Hate to cover old ground and all that. I believe Malkin made her get on 815, knowing that the plane would crash and she would be forced to raise Aaron herself. I don't really have any thoughts as to why Aaron MUST be raised by Claire. Hey, maybe he is the anti-christ and he needs Claire to save him. Stranger things happen in lost!
Hurley - Again, some of my thoughts on Hurley have been covered in a previous post. He was in Santa Rosa, heard the numbers, played them on the lottery, bad stuff starts to happen. Hurley gets on a plane goes to Aussie, finds out the numbers are WAY bad. i think Hurley is on the island so he doesn't start looking into the reason behind the numbers.
Rose and Bernard. - I think the only reason behind this, is that Rose had cancer. They wanted to see if she could be cured by the island.
Charlie. - Charlie is a tough one. He was saved by the island but when he tried to leave, he died.
Now onto dead characters. Mr Eko, Ana Lucia, Libby, Boone, Shannon, Paulo, Nikki. All these people served no purpose to the island, hence they are all now dead. Although, maybe Libby was brought to the island to die? After all I do believe she is in league with the Dharma devil.
I know a lot of you will think some of this is far-fetched, but hey, aren't a lot of theories?? Thats why its called a theory.
I must also credit Niki for help with this theory,as she is my inspiration for crazy ass thoughts
Just to let you know, I believe that Dharma/Widmore/Maxwell/Paik are all connected and working together. This might help make sense of my crazy ass thoughts.
I think maybe everyone on the island was brought there for a reason.
Lets start with Jackbob. - I think its fairly obvious why Jack is on the island, Ben needed a surgeon to remove the tumor on his spine. Its clear Ben can leave the island, but if he has people looking for him, people that wish to do him harm, then he would be pretty reluctant to leave don't you think. Jack shouldn't have been on 815, this was because of the clearance for his fathers coffin. But for some reason he was allowed on the plane. Strange huh??
Ok, Kate. - I think Kate was sent to the island to prevent her being sent to prison for the crimes she committed. We know the man she believed to be her father was in the US army, he was in Iraq at the same time Kelvin was. We know Kelvin later worked for Dharma. Maybe through Kelvin and he father, she found her way to the island.
Sawyer - I believe Sawyer sent to the island to rid him of the demons that haunted him. Anthony Cooper to be specific. Just to add more craziness to this, I think the Talbot family in Lost,(Cooper was engaged to Mrs Talbot. Peter Talbot, her son, is presumed to have been killed by Cooper) is the same family Talbot in 815 comes from. I think that Cooper was brought to the island by someone to be killed. Firstly, John Locke wouldn't kill him so Alpert showed Locke the file on Sawyer, those hostiles are sneaky little buggers. So then Sawyer finds out this is the man that caused the death of both his parents, gets a bit crazy and kills him. Thats like 3 birds, one stone. Talbot family is avenged, Sawyer gets his man, Locke appears worthy to the Others.
Right, onto Locke. - John Locke was crippled 4 years before the crash, by his father pushing him out of a window. Bit harsh if you ask me! Locke has always appeared to have some sort of connection with the island and has always know this is not just any old island. I think Locke was brought to the island because of his spirituality and his worthiness of being a leader. I think we will come to see that when Ben leaves the island, Locke will take over his position as leader, or, if anything happens to Ben, he will become full-time leader. I also think he was brought to test the healing abilities of the island.
Sayid - Most of the reason Sayid is on the island is mentioned in my last theory. I think Sayid was brought to be a killer. Sayid is a good man, but has done some bad things. We know that Sayid will do anything to protect those he loves. So if Ben knows that Dharma/Widmore had something to do with Nadias death, why not get him to the island to do a light spot of murdering, torturing and general bad ass stuff?
Jin and Sun - I have 2 thoughts on this. I think they were brought to see if a sterile man could get his wife pregnant, again testing the islands abilities. Also, Mr Paik never approved of Sun marrying Jin. I think Paik gave Jin the watch to deliver to LA to get him on the island, thinking that Sun would leave him at the airport, which she almost did.
Claire next. - We know why Claire was on 815 so I wont go into this too much. Hate to cover old ground and all that. I believe Malkin made her get on 815, knowing that the plane would crash and she would be forced to raise Aaron herself. I don't really have any thoughts as to why Aaron MUST be raised by Claire. Hey, maybe he is the anti-christ and he needs Claire to save him. Stranger things happen in lost!
Hurley - Again, some of my thoughts on Hurley have been covered in a previous post. He was in Santa Rosa, heard the numbers, played them on the lottery, bad stuff starts to happen. Hurley gets on a plane goes to Aussie, finds out the numbers are WAY bad. i think Hurley is on the island so he doesn't start looking into the reason behind the numbers.
Rose and Bernard. - I think the only reason behind this, is that Rose had cancer. They wanted to see if she could be cured by the island.
Charlie. - Charlie is a tough one. He was saved by the island but when he tried to leave, he died.
Now onto dead characters. Mr Eko, Ana Lucia, Libby, Boone, Shannon, Paulo, Nikki. All these people served no purpose to the island, hence they are all now dead. Although, maybe Libby was brought to the island to die? After all I do believe she is in league with the Dharma devil.
I know a lot of you will think some of this is far-fetched, but hey, aren't a lot of theories?? Thats why its called a theory.
Sayid working for Ben
Toni's thought on why Sayid is working for Ben as an assassin in the future
When Sayid was in the republican guard, he was approached by Kelvin to work as an 'interrogator' for the US army. To make a point, Kelvin later worked for Dharma in the swan hatch.
Years later, Sayid was approached by the US government to work for them. They used Sayid's childhood friend as bait to get him to infiltrate a terrorist group that were planning a suicide bombing.
Now back to Nadia. We are told that she is working in L.A as a lab tech for a drugs company. I believe this company to be Widmore Pharmaceuticals. We see her at least 4 years before the crash, just after having a house surveyed by John Locke. I think she was later killed by Widmore/Dharma
Back to Sayid. When he is being tortured by Danilelle in 'Solitary' she shows him the photo of Nadia and asks who she is. Sayid replies 'she is dead beacuse of me'
Now to the flashforward. After Sayid is shot and goes to see Ben, he says to Sayid "Remember what happened last time you followed your heart instead of your gun?" I think Ben is referring to what happened to Nadia and as Sayid is now aware of the details of his friends/former loves death and wants revenge on the company/s that took her life.
When Sayid was in the republican guard, he was approached by Kelvin to work as an 'interrogator' for the US army. To make a point, Kelvin later worked for Dharma in the swan hatch.
Years later, Sayid was approached by the US government to work for them. They used Sayid's childhood friend as bait to get him to infiltrate a terrorist group that were planning a suicide bombing.
Now back to Nadia. We are told that she is working in L.A as a lab tech for a drugs company. I believe this company to be Widmore Pharmaceuticals. We see her at least 4 years before the crash, just after having a house surveyed by John Locke. I think she was later killed by Widmore/Dharma
Back to Sayid. When he is being tortured by Danilelle in 'Solitary' she shows him the photo of Nadia and asks who she is. Sayid replies 'she is dead beacuse of me'
Now to the flashforward. After Sayid is shot and goes to see Ben, he says to Sayid "Remember what happened last time you followed your heart instead of your gun?" I think Ben is referring to what happened to Nadia and as Sayid is now aware of the details of his friends/former loves death and wants revenge on the company/s that took her life.
Wesleys Thoughts on The Economist
Season 3 Episode 03 – The Economist
I think it has become clear now what the big secret is. Oceanic 815 crashed just off the coast of Bali, Indonesia with 324 passengers on board. Only 6 survived. They were lucky enough to strap on their floating devices and were picked up either floating off the coast or floated to the coast and were received by authorities. Where they were held prisoner for a while before the Indonesian government notified the US that they had them in custody.
At least that’s the story I would imagine the world, at large, was told. So let’s look at the facts, as they stand now.
• All 6 were given a huge settlement.
• They’re not allowed to talk about the incident.
• They’re not allowed to mention if they knew anybody on the plane.
• So far its looks as though everyone has gone back to their “evil ways.”
Ok I’ll admit I didn’t see this one coming, Sayid working for Ben? Got me on that one, However, Season 3 is just giving us a plethora of goodies in the way of answers. Lets start off with my new favorite character Daniel.
The first clue, which I cant believe ABC actually said that it was a clue about the island in their Episode 2 Recap, I mean some people could have thought that was just an off-handed comment, that light scatters differently on the island, is huge.
The second clue, which was more blatantly obvious, there is a 31 minuet delay between the time the payload was supposed to land and the time that it did land. What could this mean? Well, some people would say that it is proof that there is some worm hole theory stuff going on. I am hard pressed to believe that the answer is that simple, However I will agree that there is some kind of gravitational forces at hand, in particular I;m talking about an event horizon effect. Here is a graph to show, and I’ll elaborate.

Now knowing that Time and Space are one in the same (according to Einstein), were going to assume moves in a strait line. Now a dense mass has an effect on the space surrounding it. Imagine for a minuet putting a 20 lb bowling ball on the center of your bed. What happens? The bedding around the bowling ball bends in the presence of the object. The same thing happens to a dense object in space. The densest object known right now is a black hole (1 half of a Worm Hole). In short, a black hole consists of the singularity, the very center dense mass of the black hole, and the Event Horizon, the point at wich matter begins to fall into the black hole. As matter goes farther and farther through the event horizon towards the singularity it is pulled farther and farther apart, kind of like Play-Do or something.
The same is true, I believe, for our island. While I don’t believe it is a wormhole event. I do believe that there is an event horizon type effect causing the time displacement on the island.
I’ll include my thoughts on Ben in the next theory that I publish, I think I went a little overbored on this one so I hope you enjoyed it. Bye.
I think it has become clear now what the big secret is. Oceanic 815 crashed just off the coast of Bali, Indonesia with 324 passengers on board. Only 6 survived. They were lucky enough to strap on their floating devices and were picked up either floating off the coast or floated to the coast and were received by authorities. Where they were held prisoner for a while before the Indonesian government notified the US that they had them in custody.
At least that’s the story I would imagine the world, at large, was told. So let’s look at the facts, as they stand now.
• All 6 were given a huge settlement.
• They’re not allowed to talk about the incident.
• They’re not allowed to mention if they knew anybody on the plane.
• So far its looks as though everyone has gone back to their “evil ways.”
Ok I’ll admit I didn’t see this one coming, Sayid working for Ben? Got me on that one, However, Season 3 is just giving us a plethora of goodies in the way of answers. Lets start off with my new favorite character Daniel.
The first clue, which I cant believe ABC actually said that it was a clue about the island in their Episode 2 Recap, I mean some people could have thought that was just an off-handed comment, that light scatters differently on the island, is huge.
The second clue, which was more blatantly obvious, there is a 31 minuet delay between the time the payload was supposed to land and the time that it did land. What could this mean? Well, some people would say that it is proof that there is some worm hole theory stuff going on. I am hard pressed to believe that the answer is that simple, However I will agree that there is some kind of gravitational forces at hand, in particular I;m talking about an event horizon effect. Here is a graph to show, and I’ll elaborate.

Now knowing that Time and Space are one in the same (according to Einstein), were going to assume moves in a strait line. Now a dense mass has an effect on the space surrounding it. Imagine for a minuet putting a 20 lb bowling ball on the center of your bed. What happens? The bedding around the bowling ball bends in the presence of the object. The same thing happens to a dense object in space. The densest object known right now is a black hole (1 half of a Worm Hole). In short, a black hole consists of the singularity, the very center dense mass of the black hole, and the Event Horizon, the point at wich matter begins to fall into the black hole. As matter goes farther and farther through the event horizon towards the singularity it is pulled farther and farther apart, kind of like Play-Do or something.
The same is true, I believe, for our island. While I don’t believe it is a wormhole event. I do believe that there is an event horizon type effect causing the time displacement on the island.
I’ll include my thoughts on Ben in the next theory that I publish, I think I went a little overbored on this one so I hope you enjoyed it. Bye.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Charles Widmore Conspiracy?
Bluefrog4 and Toni put their heads together along with lack of sleep and this is what happens
It seems likely that Ben is working against Charles Widmore to keep the island and its secrets hidden from the outside world. Charles Widmore knows the location of the island (and Ben) so has sent the frieghties to kill/capture Ben.
To explain this, I think Charles Widmore has been working alongside Dharma in some capacity. Maybe in the line of construction or pharmaceuticals, as we have seen both of these appear in Lost. This would explain how Widmore knows about the island.
The Maxwell Group, funded by Widmore, have planted the fake wreckage of flight 815 in the ocean to keep people from looking too hard and finding the real wreckage and the island. They have used the 'expedition to find the Black Rock' as a cover and of course, Charles knows the real location of the ship. As the fake wreckage had been found, this give Charles the perfect opportunity to get to the island and kill/capture Ben without questions being asked.
But Charles encountered a problem when the failsafe key was turned. The island become visible to the real world.... and his daughter Penny. If you look back at Toni's theory on how Des got to the island in the first place, you will see that Charles knows full well where his daughters love interest is. We remember from the season 3 finale that Penny made contact with Charlie (R.I.P) and is aware that Desmond is on the island. This is why Naomi was sent in with a picture of Des. Charles has panicked and does not want Penny to be reunited with Des. He sends Naomi in with the second agenda of killing Desmond. This could be the explanation as to why Naomi was sent in before the rest of the frieghties.
It seems likely that Ben is working against Charles Widmore to keep the island and its secrets hidden from the outside world. Charles Widmore knows the location of the island (and Ben) so has sent the frieghties to kill/capture Ben.
To explain this, I think Charles Widmore has been working alongside Dharma in some capacity. Maybe in the line of construction or pharmaceuticals, as we have seen both of these appear in Lost. This would explain how Widmore knows about the island.
The Maxwell Group, funded by Widmore, have planted the fake wreckage of flight 815 in the ocean to keep people from looking too hard and finding the real wreckage and the island. They have used the 'expedition to find the Black Rock' as a cover and of course, Charles knows the real location of the ship. As the fake wreckage had been found, this give Charles the perfect opportunity to get to the island and kill/capture Ben without questions being asked.
But Charles encountered a problem when the failsafe key was turned. The island become visible to the real world.... and his daughter Penny. If you look back at Toni's theory on how Des got to the island in the first place, you will see that Charles knows full well where his daughters love interest is. We remember from the season 3 finale that Penny made contact with Charlie (R.I.P) and is aware that Desmond is on the island. This is why Naomi was sent in with a picture of Des. Charles has panicked and does not want Penny to be reunited with Des. He sends Naomi in with the second agenda of killing Desmond. This could be the explanation as to why Naomi was sent in before the rest of the frieghties.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Kate not part of the Oceanic 6?
Mas13's Theory on Kate not being a part of the Oceanic 6
If Kate is sent back to the 'real world' surely she would be arrested for the crimes she has committed. After all, she is wanted for murder, amongst other crimes. If she goes back, she would be tried and convicted of her crimes. But we know that Kate does get off the island as we saw her in the season 3 finale with 'Yeti Jack' at the airport.
Mas13 suggests that maybe she gets off the island another way. Maybe she is given another identity so she is protected from the law. If the law thinks she is dead and isn't looking for her, this would be fairly easy. This may be one explanation of why Jack chooses to meet her at the airport instead of her house or some other public place. If he is seen with her, her true identity may be found out.
If Kate is sent back to the 'real world' surely she would be arrested for the crimes she has committed. After all, she is wanted for murder, amongst other crimes. If she goes back, she would be tried and convicted of her crimes. But we know that Kate does get off the island as we saw her in the season 3 finale with 'Yeti Jack' at the airport.
Mas13 suggests that maybe she gets off the island another way. Maybe she is given another identity so she is protected from the law. If the law thinks she is dead and isn't looking for her, this would be fairly easy. This may be one explanation of why Jack chooses to meet her at the airport instead of her house or some other public place. If he is seen with her, her true identity may be found out.
OK iTs VALENTINE'S DAY....So HERE's One of my famous CRAZY ASS THOUGHTS for the "JATERS" out there!
1)Jack and Kate do get together after coming home.
I like to believe that Kate was there during the opening scene of TBOTE…but we did not see her….
2)Jack starts drinking because Kate is pregnant and he knows its Sawyers not his….
3)After Jack breaks down from whatever makes him obsessed with going back, Kate leaves him.
4)The “HE” that she refers to in the season 3 finale flash forward is her son (Sawyer's baby).
1)Jack and Kate do get together after coming home.
I like to believe that Kate was there during the opening scene of TBOTE…but we did not see her….
2)Jack starts drinking because Kate is pregnant and he knows its Sawyers not his….
3)After Jack breaks down from whatever makes him obsessed with going back, Kate leaves him.
4)The “HE” that she refers to in the season 3 finale flash forward is her son (Sawyer's baby).
NEWS on the REST of SEASON 4....Schedule...
The writers' strike may end up being the best thing that ever happened to Lost.
ABC is said to be finalizing a post-strike spring schedule that not only hands Lost its best available time slot, but promises to further strengthen the network's stronghold on Thursday night.
According to multiple sources, ABC plans on airing this season's final five* Lost episodes on Thursdays at 10 pm/ET beginning in late April, where it will follow all-new episodes of Grey's freakin' Anatomy! Throw in fresh installments of Ugly Betty at 8 pm and you've got yourself the most formidable one-two-three punch since the early days of CBS' Survivor/CSI/Without a Trace smashup. Creatively speaking, I'd go so far as to say this rivals NBC's storied Must-See-TV juggernaut back in the '90s.
And I haven't even gotten to the best part.
The best part is that I'm hearing that ABC is strongly considering keeping this dream lineup intact this fall... and beyond.
I don't know about you, but this almost makes up for ABC's mishandling of [insert any number of show titles here].
* This just in: I'm now hearing that Lost's final arc may consist of six episodes, not five. No, Team Darlton isn't making an extra episode this season. Rather, the final installment of the current run (aka Episode 8) will likely be held to kick off the final batch of five. According to my spies, Episode 7 makes for a better, more logical, break. Discuss....
The writers' strike may end up being the best thing that ever happened to Lost.
ABC is said to be finalizing a post-strike spring schedule that not only hands Lost its best available time slot, but promises to further strengthen the network's stronghold on Thursday night.
According to multiple sources, ABC plans on airing this season's final five* Lost episodes on Thursdays at 10 pm/ET beginning in late April, where it will follow all-new episodes of Grey's freakin' Anatomy! Throw in fresh installments of Ugly Betty at 8 pm and you've got yourself the most formidable one-two-three punch since the early days of CBS' Survivor/CSI/Without a Trace smashup. Creatively speaking, I'd go so far as to say this rivals NBC's storied Must-See-TV juggernaut back in the '90s.
And I haven't even gotten to the best part.
The best part is that I'm hearing that ABC is strongly considering keeping this dream lineup intact this fall... and beyond.
I don't know about you, but this almost makes up for ABC's mishandling of [insert any number of show titles here].
* This just in: I'm now hearing that Lost's final arc may consist of six episodes, not five. No, Team Darlton isn't making an extra episode this season. Rather, the final installment of the current run (aka Episode 8) will likely be held to kick off the final batch of five. According to my spies, Episode 7 makes for a better, more logical, break. Discuss....
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Hurley isnt insane??
Here is my own theory on Hurley and his 'imaginary friend', Dave.
A few of you may have already heard part of my theory on the Shotglass podcast. Over the last few days a few more things have clicked into place and it has grown.
Firstly, I think that Hurley is not insane. I think he has the ability to see spirits. We see him in the season 4 premiere talking to Charlie, who we know died in the season 3 finale. I also think that his imaginary friend Dave, is the spirit of Libby's dead husband, who we know is called David.
I also think, Santa Rosa is an institute run by DHARMA for 'special cases' such as Hurley as we know another patient saw Charlie too. We also know that Lenny has heard 'the numbers'
This leads me to Libby. In a Des flashback, we see that Libby gives Des her boat, bought by her dead husband David. If we put this on top of the fact that Charles Widmore was trying to get Des out of his daughter Pennys life. This leads me to believe that Libby works for DHARMA. We know that Widmore has a lot of connections in one way or another, so, I think Libby gave Des the boat, on behalf of Charles, to make sure Des ended up on that island away from his daughter.
In the latest episode of lost, we see a fake plane crash. I also believe this has something to do with Charles Widmore. If we remember the quote "If you have enough money you can find anyone". How about, if you have enough money you can keep anyone hidden?
I think Charles has paid out for this plane to be planted to keep people away from the island. We know that he had connections with Maxwell in the Find815 game. So would this make sense?
Let me know what you think
A few of you may have already heard part of my theory on the Shotglass podcast. Over the last few days a few more things have clicked into place and it has grown.
Firstly, I think that Hurley is not insane. I think he has the ability to see spirits. We see him in the season 4 premiere talking to Charlie, who we know died in the season 3 finale. I also think that his imaginary friend Dave, is the spirit of Libby's dead husband, who we know is called David.
I also think, Santa Rosa is an institute run by DHARMA for 'special cases' such as Hurley as we know another patient saw Charlie too. We also know that Lenny has heard 'the numbers'
This leads me to Libby. In a Des flashback, we see that Libby gives Des her boat, bought by her dead husband David. If we put this on top of the fact that Charles Widmore was trying to get Des out of his daughter Pennys life. This leads me to believe that Libby works for DHARMA. We know that Widmore has a lot of connections in one way or another, so, I think Libby gave Des the boat, on behalf of Charles, to make sure Des ended up on that island away from his daughter.
In the latest episode of lost, we see a fake plane crash. I also believe this has something to do with Charles Widmore. If we remember the quote "If you have enough money you can find anyone". How about, if you have enough money you can keep anyone hidden?
I think Charles has paid out for this plane to be planted to keep people away from the island. We know that he had connections with Maxwell in the Find815 game. So would this make sense?
Let me know what you think
Michael is Bens man on the boat.
First theory sent in by Croucher...
When Michael made the deal with Ben to be released from the Island, he told him to head on that compass bearing and he would find help. Well I think that Ben knew where the freighter was and Michael had agreed to go and spy on the boat after learning some secrets of the Island.
Ok, so, Ben and Michael are in communication, and Walt, with his "powers" is also communicating with Locke. Michael will arrive back on the island on the freighter and redeem himself for betraying his Losties.
I think that maybe Wildmore has taken control of DHARMA, away from the Hanso foundation. Ben has the support of the Wildmores, and the Island helps with the pharmaceutical testings... The Wildmore are told by Ben that a plane has crashed on the island, and that people will come looking. Wildmore then sends Talbot on Christine 1 to go and "find" the wreckage, which has been staged by the Wildmores. This way the outside world would not come looking for the island. This supports the idea that DHARMA food drops etc are still being delivered. DHARMA might have ceased, but maybe Wildmore has taken control and using the island through Ben.
In the meantime, Hanso Foundation has got annoyed with DHARMA, and because Ben has stopped all communication to/from the Island, Hanso can’t get a team there to investigate. Therefore, when Hanso hears of a plane crash around the place the island is meant to be, he hires Michael Abbadon to group a team to go and investigate - knowing the islands electromagnetic powers could bring down a plane. The team is Naomi, and the freighter people. Abbadon (in Naomi's flashback) seems really sincere about there being no survivors, and maybe he believes that the plane is real.
Ben has been alerted of Hanso sending a team to the Island - and knows they aren't happy that he purged all DHARMA - so sends Michael with the cover story of he is a survivor that has escaped Ben. He will then feed them info (that Ben has already agreed) gaining their trust, and secretly sending info to Ben.
Ben knows that "the temple" or others places of the Island are safe to hide... and that’s why he sent the "others" to hide there.
When Michael made the deal with Ben to be released from the Island, he told him to head on that compass bearing and he would find help. Well I think that Ben knew where the freighter was and Michael had agreed to go and spy on the boat after learning some secrets of the Island.
Ok, so, Ben and Michael are in communication, and Walt, with his "powers" is also communicating with Locke. Michael will arrive back on the island on the freighter and redeem himself for betraying his Losties.
I think that maybe Wildmore has taken control of DHARMA, away from the Hanso foundation. Ben has the support of the Wildmores, and the Island helps with the pharmaceutical testings... The Wildmore are told by Ben that a plane has crashed on the island, and that people will come looking. Wildmore then sends Talbot on Christine 1 to go and "find" the wreckage, which has been staged by the Wildmores. This way the outside world would not come looking for the island. This supports the idea that DHARMA food drops etc are still being delivered. DHARMA might have ceased, but maybe Wildmore has taken control and using the island through Ben.
In the meantime, Hanso Foundation has got annoyed with DHARMA, and because Ben has stopped all communication to/from the Island, Hanso can’t get a team there to investigate. Therefore, when Hanso hears of a plane crash around the place the island is meant to be, he hires Michael Abbadon to group a team to go and investigate - knowing the islands electromagnetic powers could bring down a plane. The team is Naomi, and the freighter people. Abbadon (in Naomi's flashback) seems really sincere about there being no survivors, and maybe he believes that the plane is real.
Ben has been alerted of Hanso sending a team to the Island - and knows they aren't happy that he purged all DHARMA - so sends Michael with the cover story of he is a survivor that has escaped Ben. He will then feed them info (that Ben has already agreed) gaining their trust, and secretly sending info to Ben.
Ben knows that "the temple" or others places of the Island are safe to hide... and that’s why he sent the "others" to hide there.
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